
(For information about the fields in the output, see the Wireless LAN
Switch and Controller Command Reference.)
Displaying Radio
Profile Information
To display radio profile information, use the following command:
display radio-profile {name | ?}
Entering display radio-profile ? displays a list of radio profiles.
To display radio profile information for the default radio profile, type the
following command:
WX# display radio-profile default
Beacon Interval: 100 DTIM Interval: 1
Max Tx Lifetime: 2000 Max Rx Lifetime: 2000
RTS Threshold: 2346 Frag Threshold: 2346
Long Preamble: no Tune Channel: yes
Tune Channel Range (11a): lower-bands Ignore Clients: no
Tune Power: no Tune Channel Interval: 3600
Tune Power Interval: 600 Power ramp interval: 60
Channel Holddown: 300 Countermeasures: none
Active-Scan: yes RFID enabled: no
WMM Powersave: no QoS Mode: wmm
Rate Enforcement: no Initial Load: 1000
ETT Link Factor: 3 Change Threshold: 25
Dwell Time: 3600 Probe Interval: 60
Intial Measur Interval: 60 Maximum Measure Interval: 600
Radio Link Timeout: 5
(For information about the fields in the output, see the Wireless LAN
Switch and Controller Command Reference.)
Displaying MAP
Status Information
To display status information including link state and WX status, use the
following commands:
display ap status [terse] | [apnumber | all [radio {1 | 2}]]
The terse option displays a brief line of essential status information for
each directly connected MAP or Distributed MAP.
The all option displays information for all directly attached MAPs and all
Distributed MAPs configured on the switch.