Configuring a Network Domain 171
For example, the following command sets the current WX switch as a
peer of the Network Domain seed with IP address
WX1200# set network-domain peer
success: change accepted.
This command is valid on Network Domain seeds only.
Configuring Network
Domain Members
In a Network Domain, at least one seed device must be aware of each
member device. The seed maintains an active TCP connection with the
member. To configure a WX switch as a member of a Network Domain,
you specify one or more Network Domain seeds for it to use.
If you specify multiple Network Domain seeds, you can also specify the
affinity the WX switch has for each seed. The Network Domain member
initially attempts to connect to the seed with which it has the highest
affinity. If that seed is unavailable, then the WX switch attempts to
connect to the seed with which it has the next-highest affinity. If the
member connects to a seed with which it does not have the highest
configured affinity, then it periodically attempts to connect to its
highest-affinity seed. When the WX switch reconnects to the
highest-affinity seed, its communication with the next-highest-affinity
seed stops.
Use the following command to set the current WX switch as a member of
a Network Domain where a specified WX switch is a seed:
set network-domain mode member seed-ip ip-addr [affinity num]
You can enter this command multiple times on a WX switch, specifying
different Network Domain seeds with different affinity values. The affinity
value can range from 1 – 10, with 10 being the highest affinity. The
default affinity value is 5.
If the Network Domain seed is also intended to be a member of the
Network Domain, you must also enter this command on the
Network Domain seed itself.
For example, the following command sets the current WX switch as a
member of a Network Domain where the WX switch with IP address is a seed:
WX1200# set network-domain mode member seed-ip
success: change accepted.