Configuring RADIUS Server Groups 527
Adding Members to a Server Group
To add RADIUS servers to a server group, type the following command:
set server group group-name members
server-name1 [server-name2] [server-name3] [server-name4]
The keyword members lists the RADIUS servers contained in the named
server group. A server group can contain between one and four RADIUS
servers. This command accepts any RADIUS servers as the current set of
servers. To change the server members, you must reenter all of them.
For example, to add RADIUS server coot to server group shorebirds:
1 Determine the server group by typing the following command:
WX1200# display aaa
Radius Servers
Server Addr Ports T/o Tries Dead State
sandpiper 1812 1813 5 3 0 UP
heron 1812 1813 5 3 0 UP
coot 1812 1813 5 3 0 UP
egret 1812 1813 5 3 0 UP
Server groups
shorebirds (load-balanced): sandpiper heron egret
The RADIUS server coot is configured but not part of the server group
2 To add RADIUS server coot as the last server in the server group
shorebirds, type the following command:
WX1200# set server group shorebirds members sandpiper heron egret coot
success: change accepted.
Deleting a Server
To remove a server group, type the following command:
clear server group group-name
For example, to delete the server group shorebirds, type the following
WX1200# clear server group shorebirds
success: change accepted.