MAP Overview 203
auth-fallthru web-auth Uses WebAAA for users who do not
match an 802.1X or MAC
authentication rule for the SSID
requested by the user.
auth-psk disable Does not support using a preshared key
(PSK) to authenticate WPA clients.
beacon enable Sends beacons to advertise the SSID
managed by the service profile.
cac-mode none Does not limit the number of active
user sessions based on Call Admission
Control (CAC).
cac-session 14 If session-based CAC is enabled
(cac-mode is set to session), limits the
number of active user sessions on a
radio to 14.
cipher-ccmp disable Does not use Counter with Cipher
Block Chaining Message
Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP)
to encrypt traffic sent to WPA clients.
cipher-tkip enable When the WPA IE is enabled, uses
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
to encrypt traffic sent to WPA clients.
cipher-wep104 disable Does not use Wired Equivalent Privacy
(WEP) with 104-bit keys to encrypt
traffic sent to WPA clients.
cipher-wep40 disable Does not use WEP with 40-bit keys to
encrypt traffic sent to WPA clients.
cos 0 If static CoS is enabled (static-cos is set
to enable), assigns CoS 0 to all data
traffic to or from clients.
dhcp-restrict disable Does not restrict a client’s traffic to only
DHCP traffic while the client is being
authenticated and authorized.
idle-client-probing enable Sends a keepalive packet (a null-data
frame) to each client every 10 seconds.
long-retry-count 5 Sends a long unicast frame up to five
times without acknowledgment.
Table 10 Defaults for Service Profile Parameters (continued)
Parameter Default Value
Radio Behavior When Parameter
Set to Default Value