
About System Files 601
Displaying Boot
Boot information consists of the MSS version and the names of the
system image file and configuration file currently running on the WX
switch. The boot command also lists the system image and configuration
file that will be loaded after the next reboot. The currently running
versions are listed in the Booted fields. The versions that will be used after
the next reboot are listed in the Configured fields.
To display boot information, type the following command:
WX1200# display boot
Configured boot version:
Configured boot image: boot1:wxb04102.rel
Configured boot configuration: file:configuration
Backup boot configuration: file:backup.cfg
Booted version:
Booted image: boot1:wxb04102.rel
Booted configuration: file:configuration
Product model: WX
In this example, the switch is running software version The
switch used the wxb04102.rel image file in boot partition boot1 and the
configuration configuration file for the most recent reboot. The switch is
set to use image file WX040100.020 in boot partition boot1 and
configuration file configuration for the next reboot. If MSS cannot read
the configuration file when the switch is booted, then the configuration
file backup.cfg is used instead.
Each time the WX switch successfully loads an MSS software image, a
reference to this image is saved as the “safe boot” image. If the MSS
software cannot be loaded the next time the WX switch is booted, then
the WX switch automatically attempts to load the safe boot image.
Boot failover might occur when an image update is attempted, and the
update process fails. For example, with image A loaded on the WX
switch, you can configure the WX switch to load image B the next time
the switch is booted. When the switch is reset, if image B fails to load, the
switch then attempts to load image A (the last image successfully loaded
on the WX switch).
(For additional information about the output, see the Wireless LAN
Switch and Controller Command Reference.)