Changing QoS Settings 343
Configuring Call
Admission Control
To configure CAC for an SSID, enable the feature on the SSID’s service
profile. When enabled, CAC limits the number of active sessions a radio
can have to 14 by default. You can change the maximum number of
sessions to a value from 0 to 100.
Enabling CAC
To enable or disable CAC on a service profile, use the following command:
set service-profile name cac-mode {none | session}
For example, to enable session-based CAC on service profile sp1, use the
following command:
WX1200# set service-profile sp1 cac-mode session
success: change accepted.
Changing the Maximum Number of Active Sessions
When CAC is enabled, the maximum number of active sessions a radio
can have is 14 by default. To change the maximum number of sessions,
use the following command:
set service-profile name cac-session max-sessions
The max-sessions can be a value from 0 to 100.
For example, to change the maximum number of sessions for radios used
by service profile sp1 to 10, use the following command:
WX1200# set service-profile sp1 cac-session 10
success: change accepted.
Configuring Static
To configure static CoS for an SSID, enable the feature and set the CoS
value. MAP radios that forward traffic for the SSID mark all the traffic
with the static CoS value and use the corresponding forwarding queue to
forward the traffic. The static CoS value applies to all traffic on the SSID.
To enable static CoS and set the CoS value, use the following commands:
set service-profile name static-cos {enable | disable}
set service-profile name cos level
The level can be a value from 0 (lowest priority) to 7 (highest priority). The
default is 0.