Displaying Spanning Tree Information 363
Displaying Blocked
STP Ports
To display information about ports that are in the STP blocking state, use
the following command:
display spantree blockedports [vlan vlan-id]
To display information about blocked ports on a WX switch for the
default VLAN (VLAN 1), type the following command:
WX1200# display spantree blockedports vlan default
Port Vlan STP-State Cost Prio Portfast
2 190 Blocking 4 128 Disabled
Number of blocked ports (segments) in VLAN 1 : 1
(For information about the fields in the output, see the Wireless LAN
Switch and Controller Command Reference.)
Displaying Spanning
Tree Statistics
To display STP statistics, use the following command:
display spantree statistics [port-list [vlan vlan-id]]
To display STP statistics for port 1, type the following command:
WX1200# display spantree statistics 1
BPDU related parameters
Port 1 VLAN 1
spanning tree enabled for VLAN = 1
port spanning tree enabled
state Forwarding
port_id 0x8015
port_number 0x15
path cost 0x4
message age (port/VLAN) 0(20)
designated_root 00-0b-0e-00-04-30
designated cost 0x0
designated_bridge 00-0b-0e-00-04-30
designated_port 38
top_change_ack FALSE
config_pending FALSE
port_inconsistency none