Using CLI Help 35
rollback Remove changes to the edited ACL table
save Save the running configuration to persistent storage
set Set, use 'set help' for more information
telnet telnet IP address [server port]
traceroute Print the route packets take to network host
For more information on help, see the help command description in the
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Command Reference.
To see a subset of the online help, type the command for which you want
more information. For example, the following command displays all the
commands that begin with the letter i:
WX1200# display i?
ifm display interfaces maintained by the interface manager
igmp display igmp information
interface display interfaces
ip display ip information
To see all the variations, type one of the commands followed by a
question mark (?). For example:
WX1200# display ip ?
alias display ip aliases
dns display DNS status
https display ip https
route display ip route table
telnet display ip telnet
To determine the port on which Telnet is running, type the following
WX1200# display ip telnet
Server Status Port
Enabled 3