
roaming The ability of a wireless user (client) to maintain network access when
moving between access points (APs).
robust security
See RSN.
rogue access point An access point (AP) that is not authorized to operate within a wireless
network. Rogue access points subvert the security of an enterprise
network by allowing potentially unchallenged access to the enterprise
network by any wireless user (client) in the physical vicinity.
rogue client A user (client) who is not recognized within a network, but who gains
access to it by intercepting and modifying transmissions to circumvent
the normal authorization and authentication processes.
RSA A public-key algorithm developed in 1977 by RSA Data Security, Inc.,
used for encryption, digital signatures, and key exchange.
RSN Robust security network. A secure wireless LAN (WLAN) based on the
developing IEEE 802.11i standard.
RSSI Received signal strength indication. The received strength of an
incoming radio frequency (RF) signal, typically measured in decibels
referred to 1 milliwatt (dBm).
scalability The ability to adapt easily to increased or decreased requirements
without impairing performance.
secure hashing
See SHA.
Secure Shell protocol See SSH.
Secure Sockets Layer
See SSL.
security ACL Security access control list. An ordered list of rules to control access to
and from a network by determining whether to forward or filter
packets that are entering or exiting it. Associating a security ACL with a
particular user, port, virtual LAN (VLAN), or virtual port on a Wireless
Switch (WX) controls the network traffic to or from the user, port,
VLAN, or virtual port. The rules in an ACL are known as access control
entries (ACEs). See also ACE.