PTK Pairwise transient key. A value derived from a pairwise master key
(PMK) and split into multiple encryption keys and message integrity
code (MIC) keys for use by a client and server as temporal session keys
for IEEE 802.11i robust security. See also 802.11i.
public key In cryptography, one of a pair of keys, one public and one private, that
are created with the same algorithm for encrypting and decrypting
messages and digital signatures. The public key is made publicly
available for encryption and decryption. See also PKI; private key.
See PKI.
PVST+ Per-VLAN Spanning Tree protocol. A proprietary Cisco protocol that
supports a separate instance of the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) for
each virtual LAN (VLAN) in a network and maps the multiple spanning
trees to a single tree, to comply with the IEEE 802.1Q specification. See
also STP.
QoS Quality of service. A networking technology that seeks to measure,
improve, and guarantee transmission rates, error rates, and other
performance characteristics, based on priorities, policies, and reservation
criteria arranged in advance. Some protocols allow packets or streams
to include QoS requirements.
quality of service See QoS.
RA See registration authority (RA).
radio profile A group of parameters, such as the beacon interval, fragmentation
threshold, and security policies, that you configure in common across a
set of radios in one or more Managed Access Points (MAPs). A few
parameters, such as the radio name and channel number, must be set
separately for each radio.