Changing Standard Spanning Tree Parameters 355
The command applies only to the ports you specify. The port cost on
other ports remains unchanged.
To reset the cost of ports 3 and 4 in the default VLAN to the default
value, type the following command:
WX1200# clear spantree portcost 3-4
success: change accepted.
To reset the cost of ports 3 and 4 for VLAN beige, type the following
WX1200# clear spantree portvlancost 3-4 vlan beige
success: change accepted.
Changing the STP Port Priority
To change the priority of a port, use one of the following commands:
set spantree portpri port-list priority value
set spantree portvlanpri port-list priority value {all |
vlan vlan-id}
The set spantree portpri command changes the priority for ports in the
default VLAN (VLAN 1) only. The set spantree portvlanpri command
changes the priority for ports in a specific other VLAN or in all VLANs.
Specify a priority from 0 (highest priority) through 255 (lowest priority).
The default is 128.
The all option applies the change to all VLANs. Alternatively, specify an
individual VLAN.
To set the priority of ports 3 and 4 in the default VLAN to 48, type the
following command:
WX1200# set spantree portpri 3-4 priority 48
success: change accepted.
To set the priority of ports 3 and 4 to 48 in VLAN mauve, type the
following command:
WX1200# set spantree portvlanpri 3-4 priority 48 vlan mauve
success: change accepted.