
Chapter 2 Assembling Your Multitrack Project 23
Adding Clips to the Timeline
A typical Soundtrack Pro multitrack project contains multiple audio clips on several
audio tracks. It can also contain one video file on the video track.
After you add an audio clip to a multitrack project, you may want to modify it. When
you cut or otherwise modify audio clips in the Timeline, the original media file is not
affected; instead, the edits are saved as nondestructive Soundtrack Pro actions.
To add an audio clip to a track:
m Locate the file you want to use (the Browser or Search tab is a good place to start
looking for files), then drag the file into an audio track in your project’s Timeline.
The video track
The audio tracks shown
are organized by
function: orange and
yellow for voiceover, lime
for dialogue, green
for effects, and blue
for music.
Information about the
clip is shown in the
Details tab.
Drag the file from
the Browser, Search,
or Favorites tab into
an audio track in the