Chapter 3 Working with Individual Audio Files 45
To open an audio file project or other single audio file in the File Editor project view,
do one of the following:
m Double-click a file in the Browser, Search, or Favorites tab.
m Open a file from Final Cut Pro or another audio application.
Note: A single file from a multitrack project also appears in the File Editor project view
when you double-click that file in the Timeline.
To save an audio file project or other single audio file:
1 Choose File > Save.
A Save dialog appears.
2 Enter a name for your file in the Save As field and define where to save it using the
Where pop-up menu.
3 Choose a file type for saving your audio file project and select any other
applicable options.
 Bit Depth: Choose between 8-bit and 32-bit integer or floating point bit rate.
 Sample Rate: Choose between 32,000 and 192,000 Hz.
 Dither: Reduces quantization errors in low-level audio signals, such as the end of a
fade-out or the last trailing moments of a reverb effect. Dithering is useful when
saving a project at a lower bit depth or sample rate.
 Include Source Audio: Includes a copy of the source audio files in the audio file
project. Not selecting the checkbox includes a link to, instead of a copy of, the
original source audio.
Note: If you don’t select the Include Source Audio checkbox, the original audio file is
not saved as part of the project file and your project will not play unless the original
file is available in its original location.