
3 Working with Individual
Audio Files
In Chapter 2, you learned how to assemble and arrange files in a multitrack project.
This chapter explains how Soundtrack Pro processes different audio files and how to
edit and apply effects to a single audio file.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about:
 Editing Audio Files (p. 41)
 How Soundtrack Pro Processes Audio Files (p. 42)
 Where to Edit Audio Files (p. 42)
 Opening a Logic Pro Audio File in Soundtrack Pro (p. 46)
 Adding Processes and Effects to a File with Actions (p. 47)
 Using the File Editor Tools (p. 50)
Editing Audio Files
The File Editor project view and the File Editor tab are good places to edit an audio file’s
waveform, correct common audio problems, and use nondestructive actions to apply
processes like EQ and noise reduction to a file.
Use these tools to
stretch, zoom, scrub,
and otherwise edit the
file you selected in
the Timeline.
An audio file
open in File Editor
project view