Making Detailed Settings for Tones
Parameter Value Description
VRL (Velocity
Range Lower)
This species the lower limit (VRL) and upper limit (VRU) of the range in which the tone is played according to the velocity.
Make this setting when you want the tone to change depending on the key velocity.
This setting is disregarded with certain tones.
VRU (Velocity
Range Upper)
Sns (Velocity
This setting determines how the volume changes in response to the velocity.
The volume is increased as the keyboard is played with greater force when a positive value is used; when a negative value is
selected, the volume decreases as the keys are played with greater force.
This setting is disregarded with certain tones.
Max (Velocity
Maximum velocity value for the corresponding key.
Lowering this value will produce softer notes even if you play the keyboard strongly.
This setting is disregarded with certain tones.
V.Reserve (Voice
0–64 Species the number of voices that will be reserved for each layer if you attempt to play more than 128 voices.
Species whether the damper pedal will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
F1 Species whether the pedal connected to the FC1 jack will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
F2 Species whether the pedal connected to the FC2 jack will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
PB Species whether the pitch bend lever will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
Md Species whether the modulation lever will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
S1 Species whether the [S1] button will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
S2 Species whether the [S2] button will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
LW2 Species whether the control slider (LW2) will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
LW1 Species whether the control slider (LW1) will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
UP2 Species whether the control slider (UP2) will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.
UP1 Species whether the control slider (UP1) will (ON) or will not (OFF) control each layer.