• Do not subject the CM-2600d/2500d to strong impact or vibration. Doing so may cause deterioration
in performance or breakdown.
• Since the specimen measuring port and integrating sphere are extremely precise optical components,
great care should be taken to prevent them getting dirty or exposing them to impact. If you are not go
ing to use the CM-2600d/2500d, put it on the White Calibration Plate (CM-A145).
• The CM-2600d/2500d may cause interference if used near a television, radio, etc.
• Since the CM-2600d/2500d uses a microcomputer, the LCD may go blank if it is exposed to strong
static electricity. In this case, turn the power OFF, then turn it ON again. If black smudges appear on
the LCD, wait until they disappear naturally.
• When turning the power OFF and then ON again, wait several seconds after turning the power OFF.
<Backup Battery>
• Measured data and various settings are stored in the memory backed up by batteries. The backup bat-
teries are automatically charged during operation of this instrument, and can retain the contents of the
memory for 4.5 months if they have been fully charged. At the time of purchase, the backup battery
may not be fully charged. To charge the backup battery, set the power switch to ON. Charging of the
backup battery is performed continuously while the instrument is switched on, even while the instru
ment is being used. Full charging is completed in 25 hours, and there is no danger of overcharging.
• It is recommended to keep a backup of your important data in another recording medium using optional
Color Data Software (sold separately).
• The backup batteries’ model number is VL2020 (3V).
• Do not try to replace the backup batteries by yourself. Contact a KONICA MINOLTA SENSING-authorised
service facility.
Notes on Storage
• The CM-2600d/2500d should be stored at temperatures between 0°C and 45°C, and at a relative hu-
midity of 80% or less (35°C), without condensation. Do not store the instrument in areas subject to
high temperatures, high humidity, sudden changes in temperature, or where freezing or condensation
may occur, because these circumstances may cause breakdown. It is more reliable to store the CM-
2600d/2500d with a drying agent (such as silica gel) at a temperature around 20°C.
• Do not leave the CM-2600d/2500d inside a car such as in the cab or trunk. Otherwise, the temperature
and/or humidity may go leave the allowable range for storage during midsummer or midwinter, result
ing in breakdown.
• Keep the packing materials used for shipment and use it to transport the CM-2600d/2500d. This pro-
tects the instrument from sudden changes in temperature, vibration, and shock.
• Do not store the CM-2600d/2500d in areas where dust, cigarette smoke or chemical gases are present.
Doing so may cause deterioration in performance or breakdown.
• Entry of dust into the measuring aperture will hinder accurate measurement. Block the measuring port
to prevent entry of the dust.
• The White Calibration Plate may become discolored if left exposed to light. Therefore, make sure that
the lid is closed to prevent entry of ambient light when it is not in use.
• The Target Masks may discolor if they are left exposed to light. When they are not in use, keep them
in a safe place to prevent exposure to light and to protect them from scratches and dust.
• Be sure to keep all packing materials (cardboard box, cushioning material, plastic bags, etc.). They can
be used to protect the instrument during transportation to service facility for maintenance (re-calibra
tion etc.).
• If you are not going to use the CM-2600d/2500d for more than two weeks, the batteries must be re-
moved. If the batteries are left in the instrument, leakage may occur resulting in damage to the instru-