
Size also controls:
Ÿ Early Reflections Delays
Ÿ Early Reflections Hicuts
Ÿ Diffusion
Ÿ Scaler
Ÿ Post Diffusion Early Reflections Delays
Ÿ Post Diffusion Early Reflections Delays Hicuts
Basically, by selecting different Size values (Booth – Small Room – Med Room Alley Slap Stage
– Reflections), you will also change all the above parameters, according to our programmers’ tweaks.
We thought that the more expert or adventurous reader would want to enter their values for these Size
controlled parameters and have made this possible.
You can type in your E/R Delays, Hicuts, Diffusion, Scaler and Post Diff delays & Hicuts values.
The preset will remember them and you can then save the preset with your custom settings.
Scrolling Size through its values will allow you to actually see all those parameter values, whether the
factory defaults or your personal choices.
The advantage of this approach is to provide you with a well crafted and good sounding collection of
presets as well the possibility to customize them. A mix of closed & open” philosophy that can be
taken further with the help of VSIGFILE.
Do you need to use Vsig? No, you dont! Theres enough power, craft, tweaking and embedded
freedom to use or customize all these 5.1 reverbs to meet most needs.
Your Size knob will switch between six different spaces. It’s like having six presets in one.
Imagine how easy it will be to remote changes within the same preset, by simply controlling the Size
parameter with the H8000 knob or any hardware or MIDI controller !
As already mentioned, the Diffusers’ internal delays are controlled by the Size control and are always
hidden to the user; you dont actually see them on the display.
Nevertheless, sometimes your ear will suggest that you further adjust those internal delays we know
you are always searching for that “great” sound ...
Well, Scaler will help you shrink or expand those internal delays at your will. Since it’s also
controlled by Size, youll be able to tweak and fine tune each preset to a surgical detail and store them.
Once recalled, your custom presets will remember those six tweaks.
Other examples of this approach are Front & Surround Reverb Decays and Levels;
The Front parameters controls the Surround ones, which are offset by factory default values. You can
further adjust the Surround parameters yourself, changing their values from the ones controlled by
their Front counterparts.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 109 of 109 12/30/2003