
3324 Quad Circle 48 2,4
[S]{DMY} Inputs 1&2 are panned in 2 dimensions. In a quadraphonic setup, stereo signal circles the listener with the two
channels diametrically opposed. Try sending outs 3&4 into a reverb that is sent to the rear speakers! Stereo in, quad
3325 Quad GhostCircle 48 1,4
[S]{DM} Somethings panning... what is it? It's silence! In a QUAD speaker setup, silence circles the listener. The result is a
sort of 'ghost circle'. Hence the name. Mono in, quad out.
3326 QuadCircleMod 48 2,4
[S]{DME} Does a circular pan with a QUAD speaker setup. The base speed of the pan is controlled by Base Rate. The base
rate is modulated by another LFO. Mod Depth controls how much it changes and Mod Rate controls how often it
changes. As the pan speeds up, a HP filter raises its cutoff according to FilterMod and its Q according to Res Mod.
Summed in, quad out.
3327 Simple Panner 96 2,2
{MY}(TT) Simple mono to stereo panner. Summed in, stereo out.
3328 Squish/SquashPan 96 4,4
w Squish and Squash controls bring the spinning circle closer to the center of the room. Use Squish or Squash separately for ellipses.
[S]{DMY} Quad auto-panner with speed control. Inputs are summed to mono (use<dB> param to trim input), then panned
around the room. Summed in, quad out.
3329 Stereo Panner 96 2,2
{MY}(TT) Simple stereo panner. Stereo in, stereo out.
3330 3D CircleDelay 48 2,2
{RDME}(TT) A pseudo 3-D circle out of just two speakers! Dry signal and Delay go into circle, Reverb floats in background.
Filters and coordinated change in signal level give illusion of circle. Also, signal is out of phase when it is in 'front'.
Mono in, stereo out.
3331 Rotator 96 8,8
[S]{M} A simple eight channel panner with switch-able inputs, using either manual or auto sweeping. Switch-able in,
octal out.
34 Percussion
A large variety of now-classic-Eventide delays and reverbs set up for percussion. These include rooms
and ambience processes, as well as some unusual effects that will usefully color and alter your source
material. Among these are a number of “gated” reverbs and “non linear” effects, where the reverb
reflections get louder as they decay.
3410 808 Rumble Tone 96 2,2
[D]{Y} Adds sub-harmonics to a kick drum. An oscillator is gated until triggered. Summed in, mono out.
3411 Beatbox Reverb 96 2,2
[D]{RE}(TT) A one of a kind talking reverb with adjustable vowels and words. Stereo in, stereo out.
3412 Drum Chamber 96 2,2
[D]{RDE} A really bitey snare ambience with EQ. Summed in, stereo out.
3413 Drum Filter 96 2,2
[D]{EY} Dual stereo triggered filters. Has sweep rate and envelope parameters. Stereo in, stereo out.
3414 Drum Flanger 96 2,2
[D]{DM} Another flanger tweaked for drums. Stereo in, stereo out.
3415 Drum Flutters 96 2,2
[D]{RDE} Unusual fluttery, gated-sounding thing. Sampled industrial dishwasher? Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 57 of 109 12/30/2003