42 Reverbs – H8000
This bank offers a set of classic reverb structures, enhanced by early reflection echoes with feedback
paths and post reverb EQ. Ambience and a nice design interaction between the actual delays and reverb
tail of any space are given great attention here, providing what we believe is a powerful group of presets
and a great tool to design your own ones.
This group also includes some post-processed reverbs.
4210 Ambience 96 2,2
[VD]{RE}(TT) Ambience reverb. Stereo I/O.
4211 Brass Plate 96 2,2
[K]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4212 Deep Space 48 2,2
4212 Deep Space 96 || 2,2
[VK]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 2 parallel delay lines (1sec) to simulate walls reflections. Post low and high shelving
EQs filter the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4213 Drum Plate 96 2,2
[D]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4214 Drums Room 96 2,2
[D]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4215 Gated Inverse Snare 96 2,2
[D]{D} Inverse gated reverb tweaked for snare drums. Use level to tame it. Sum input/Stereo output.
4216 Gated Plate 96 2,2
[D]{RDE}(TT) Plate verb thru gate. Ungated verb level also available. Stereo I/O.
4217 Hall > Bandpass 48 2,2
4217 Hall > Bandpass 96 || 2,2
[V]{RDE}(TT) Post processed verb: stereo diffusor > verb + 2 parallel delay lines (1sec) to simulate walls reflections. Post
low and high shelving eqs filter the verb/dlys > band pass filter with automatic & manual adjustable spread in octaves.
Stereo in, stereo out.
4218 Inverse Snare 96 2,2
w tweaked for snare drums.
4219 Inverse 96 2,2
[D]{D} Inverse reverb. Use level to tame it. Sum input/Stereo output.
4220 Inverse > Bandpass 96 2,2
[D]{DE} Post processed inverse reverb > band pass filter with automatic & manual adjustable spread in octaves. Use level
to tame it. Sum input/Stereo output.
4221 Large Room 96 2,2
[GVD]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4222 Living In The Past 96 2,2
{RDE} Nonlinear (reverse) reverb with dry delay. You can delay the dry sound and anticipate its reversed reverb ... for
special fx. Panning, levels and reverse EQ are available. Dry sound signal path is full stereo. Summed mono in, stereo
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 67 of 109 12/30/2003