
7612 Elves
7010 Empty Program
4511 EMT-style Plate
216 Enhancer
826 Envelope Flanger
827 Envelope Flanger 8
3514 Envelope Phaser
3514 Envelope Phaser8
5111 Envelope Ring Mod
515 Envelope Taps
4413 Environment#28
1611 Eq & Comp + Timer
5432 Etherharp
2011 Eurhetemec
1314 Europa
2211 Evil Distortion
5112 Evil Ring Dist
1512 External Correct
6111 External Hats
1413 EZ Leslie
3611 EZ Ptimesqueeze
3612 EZ Ptimesqueeze8
2012 EZPolyfuzzBandelay
3613 EZTime Delays
3614 EZTime Delays8
1612 F Of H Multi
7512 Fake Call-in
5726 Fake Pitch Shift II
7613 Fantasy Backgrounds
8014 Fast Voice Process
3018 FatFunkVocalFilter
2315 Fatten The Bass
1714 Fermilab
1824 Fifth Dominion
1414 Filter Bank Pan
319 Filter_O
320 Filter_Q
1212 FilterBank15
1213 FilterBank20
541 Filtered Dlys
651 Filtered Dlys
4814 FIR Glass Shower
3416 Firecracker Snare
1920 First Dominion
1227 Five Band EQ
6615 Fjord Guitar
6914 Flaedermaus
1825 Flange + Verb
828 Flange Echoes
829 Flanged Delays
5812 Flintlock
1019 FltDlys_Rich Chamber
5016 Flutter Booth
3315 Fly-by
3316 FM Panner
3317 FM Panner_S
6112 FM TimbreFactory
1113 Fm Trem
1416 Four Filters
5313 Four Samplers
5314 Four Samplers_S
4936 FourSidedVerb
710 Fractal Vortex
3615 Framerate Convert
5727 FreqShift W/Delay
5728 FreqShift W/Delay8
7112 Fries With That?
4716 Funny Gated Room
1826 Fuzack
1827 Fuzz 2002
1921 FuzzPreamp
1315 Galaxy Borders 2
217 Garden Halo
410 Gaspodes Dly_2
411 Gaspodes Dly_M
412 Gaspodes Dly_S
413 Gaspodes Pndly_D
414 Gaspodes Pndly_M
5017 Gated Gong Verb
4215 Gated Inverse Snare
4216 Gated Plate
4717 Gated Water Snare
415 General Informations
5729 Genesis II
1715 Gerrys Bass 99
2212 Gerrys Mangler
5018 Ghost Air
6915 Ghosties
3019 Glitterous Verb
5019 GloriousChrsCanyon
5020 GloriousFlngCanyon
7713 Go Crazy
2013 GobiGuitar
1828 GodSaveTheQueen
218 Gorgeous Delay
1829 Gothic
1316 Gothica VROOOM
6812 GravelInMyThroat
4918 Gravity Verb
1922 Grieving Tube
3912 GrooveSync Delay
3417 Group Claps
2213 Growl
1923 Grundulator
2316 Grunge Compress
3054 Guitar Magic
3020 Guitar Mania
3021 GunnShift
4815 Gym Shower
3319 Gyroscope
3320 GyroscopicField
3318 Gyro-X-Pattern
6514 H3000 Verby Chorus
6515 H3000BreathingCanyon
10 H8000 Banks
4217 Hall > Bandpass
1020 Hall_Dual 2Tap Dly
6516 Hand Flanger
1417 Harmonic Enhance
1924 Harmonicon
1830 Harpshift
3812 Headphone Filter
6113 Heen
711 Helix Loops
712 HelixManifold
1716 Hexentanz
830 Hiccup Chorus
5813 Himalayan Heights
7813 Hiss Eliminator
2014 Horrormonics
5021 Horrors
7814 Hum Eliminator
2015 Hyperstrings
219 ImpWave
4919 ImpWaveQuad
4816 ImpWaveVerb
1717 In Ovo
6616 In Yer Face Vocals
7414 Infinite Corridor
831 Infinite Flange
3022 Inst Process
7011 Inter-DSP Receive
7012 Inter-DSP Send
7013 Interface Modules
5433 IntervalicQuad
5434 IntervalicShift_S
4219 Inverse
4220 Inverse > Bandpass
4218 Inverse Snare
5911 Invertion LFO
4314 Italo's Chamber
1317 Italo's Space
6114 Jan&Jeff
220 Jan's ResoChords
1831 Jeff Thing
5814 Jet Fly By
5815 Jettison (405)
2118 Jhaniikest
1718 Jinn
4920 Joystik>verb
3321 JoystikPanner
221 JP Em +3rd
222 JP Em +3rd/+6th
223 JP Em +6th
5022 Jurassic Space
1613 KG's ColorHall
5211 Kick/SnareReplacer
5310 Kick/SnareReplacer2
5023 Kickback
224 Kill The Guy
7415 Kitchen Reverb
4921 Klaus' Church
4224 L/C/R Mics Room
1616 L_C_R Long
1617 L_C_R Short
1614 L<->R Long
3023 L=verb R=pitch
1615 L>detune / R>reverb
6617 LA Studio Axe
5435 Large Poly Shift
4221 Large Room
3024 Larynx Delay
1925 Larynxfuzz
7912 Lasers!
5730 Latin Cathedral
4611 LatticeArray
4718 LatticeVerb
625 Latticework8
6618 Lead Tone Poem
832 Leslie Simulator
713 Levitation Alpha
714 Levitation Beta
715 Levitation Gamma
5436 LevitationShift
6916 Liquid Sky
3418 Liquid Toms
225 Little Man
4222 Living In The Past
4223 Living Room
2611 LMS Filter
5816 Locomotive
6813 Logan's Box
7313 Long Delay W/Loop
7214 Long Distance
519 LongDelay
626 LongPanningDelays
627 LongPanningDelays8
716 Loop_timesqueeze
2214 Low Res Digital
4719 LRMS Reverb
5528 M_4DiatonicShift
1318 MachineLife
7614 Magic Echo
226 Mandel Worlds
227 Maniac Filterpan
717 Manifold Alpha
H8000 Presets by Name