5517 Diatonic +3rd+5th 96 2,2
5518 Diatonic +3rd+7th 96 2,2
5519 Diatonic +4th+6th 96 2,2
5520 Diatonic +5th+Oct 96 2,2
5521 Diatonic +5th-4th 96 2,2
5522 Diatonic +5th-oct 96 2,2
5523 Diatonic +/- Oct 96 2,2
[GV]{P}(TT) A two voice diatonic shifter. Summed in, stereo out.
5524 Diatonic Thesaurus 96 2,2
[GV]{P}(TT) This is what you've been dreaming of... Set 8 steps for 2v diatonic shifters intervals, keys and scales. Summed in,
stereo out.
5525 Diatonic Trio 96 || 2,4
5525 Diatonic Trio 48 2,4
[GV]{PRY}(TT) Diatonic interactive shifters > verb. Choose 3 intervals for each of two shifts which are triggered by source
level and randomly chosen. envelope control of shifts and source to help emulate strings. Verb can output front, rear
or both. Stereo in, quad out.
5526 DiatonicShift_8 48 4,4
5526 DiatonicShift_8 96 || 4,4
[S]{P}(TT) Simple 4 chan 8 voice diatonicshifter. Each input feeds 2 consecutive voices, input #1=voices1&2, in#2=v3&4
etc. Quad in, quad out.
5527 Diatonic_8mod 48 2,2
5527 Diatonic_8mod 96 || 2,2
{P}(TT) Eight voice diatonic shifter. Voice 1~4 is fed from input#1, while voice 5~8 is fed from input#2 with independent
external mods for each voice. Stereo in, stereo out.
5528 M_4DiatonicShift 96 4,4
{P}(TT) Four channel four voice diatonic shifter with master params. Quad in, quad out.
5529 Stepped Dshifter 96 2,4
[GVS]{P}(TT) Four voice diatonic shift with <step#> params. These allow you to preset a sequence of values for each voice
of each step value. Step#0=unison . Summed in, quad out.
56 Shifters - Ultra
The UltraShifterâ„¢ can pitch shift a vocal two octaves up or one octave down while maintaining a
natural vocal quality. It can also alter the overall formant structure of a vocal signal independently of
any pitch shift. UltraShifter is optimized for vocal signals although it may be suitable for other
monophonic source material.
Real-time adaptive resynthesis makes the UltraShifter the most natural sounding vocal shifter ever
created. The UltraShifter can modify or maintain pitch and spectral content over a four octave range.
5610 Robot Voice 96 2,2
[V]{PD} Formant corrective shifter with robotic parameter. Choose shift amount as cent value. Summed in, stereo out.
5611 Ultra AutoCorrect 96 2,2
[V]{P} Chromatic AutoCorrect UltraShifter. Summed in, stereo out.
5612 Ultra Cents 96 2,2
w self-adjusting formant scaling
5613 Ultra Cents 2 96 2,2
w Adjust formant for a different sound
[V]{PD} Formant correct pitch shifting. Set source for better pitch tracking. Summed in, stereo out.
5614 Ultra Diatonic 96 2,2
[V]{PD} Formant corrective Diatonic shifter. Included is ability to use non equal-tempered scales. Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 83 of 109 12/30/2003