7019 X-DSP Contr Send 96 0,0
This program has 8 external controllers patched to Assigns 1-8 . The first 4 are resident in the DSP where you
loaded this patch. Nothing in, nothing out.
71 Px - Commerce
The loudspeaker and intercom effects aren't just variations of a single program, and there's a lot of
different algorithms generating them. Try them all: what we think is a soundtruck might be your ideal
radio-on-the-porch ...
The effects in this bank should in general be used 100 percent “wet”, as they incorporate their own
7110 Airplane Background 96 0,2
{DE} This generates a complex machine hum that's great in stereo. With a little extra filtering, it can be just about any
background from a tank interior to a starship. The <Throttle> button makes the engines speed up and slow down, while
<Bong> gives you a realistic flight-attendant call. <Accel> controls how quickly <Throttle> does its thing. The tourist
cabin is noisier because someone left a window open back there. Nothing in, stereo out.
7111 Clock Radio 96 2,2
{ME} What does your morning show really sound like to the listeners? Here's an authentic-sounding tiny speaker in a
plastic box, with some annoying alarm-clock beeps, so you can find out. Summed in, mono out.
7112 Fries With That? 96 2,2
{PEY} A typical drive-through's outdoor speaker, with adjustable distortion and muffle. Quality and intelligibility varies
with your choice of restaurant The Ritz, MacBurger, or Road Kill Unlimited. The <Distrt> (distortion) and <Muffle>
settings are slightly interactive, so, if you decide to customize one, you should also adjust the other. Mono in, mono out.
7113 Office Intercom 96 2,2
{RE} This is a traditional squawk box - it beeps when you call someone, and there's some reverb thrown in to make the
speaker sound natural. Select the kind of office, which influences the quality of the sound and also the reverb. The
input is muted until you hit the <Call> button. Mono in, stereo out.
7114 Sound Truck 96 2,2
{RDCEY} Truck speakers plus realistic city echoes and the ability to pan the whole thing across the stereo image. The
Candidates Office knob selects how good a speaker system they could afford: choose President, Governor, or
Dogcatcher. Mono in, stereo out.
7115 Talking Dashboard 96 2,2
{DE} Makes your voice sound badly digitized, mixes it with warning beep, and adds a stereo car-interior slap... just
like a seat belt or burglar alarm warning. The distortion, band limiting, and stereo diffusion also makes this great for
simulating a pair of open headphones. Mono in, stereo out.
72 Px - Communication
Bullhorn and Megaphone are totally different.The first one simulates the distortion and metallic ring of
a hand-held electronic amplifier echo.The second is a rolled-cardboard thing, with lots of resonance but
no distortion. It's often used by cheerleaders and old-time big band singers.
The effects in this bank should in general be used 100 percent “wet”, as they incorporate their own
7210 Bullhorn 96 2,2
{RDCEY} Bullhorn simulates the distortion and metallic ring of a hand-held electronic amplifier the kind the cops use when
they surround a hideout. There's also an adjustable big-city slap echo. Move the <Dist> slider to bring it from far away
to in-your-face. Mono in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 97 of 109 12/30/2003