814 Chordal Swell 96 2,2
[G]{DME} Use your Assign1 as volume pedal for chord swells thru' this rack of eight digital delays with filtering,
modulation, levels and panning for each of them. Dry sound is parallel to them. A very flexible algorithm. Mono in,
stereo out.
815 Chorusdelays 96 2,2
[GK]{DM}(TT) Parallel delays with LFO's. Stereo in, stereo out.
816 Chorusdelays2 96 4,4
[GKS]{DM}(TT) Parallel delays with LFO's. Quad in: each input feeds its delay line. Stereo in: input#1 feeds voice#1+3.
input#2 feeds voice#2+4. Stereo in, quad out.
816 Chorusdelays8 96 8,4
[GKS]{DM}(TT) Parallel delays with LFO's. Octal in: each input feeds its delay line. Quad in: input#1 feeds voice#1+5,
input#2 feeds voice#2+6, etc. Stereo in: input#1 feeds voice#1,3,5,7, input#2 feeds voice#2,4,6,8. Switch-able in, quad
817 Chorused Cabinet 96 2,2
[K]{RDME} The sound of a miked speaker cabinet with a touch of modulating chorus. Summed in, stereo out.
818 Chorused Delays 96 2,2
[GVK]{DM}(TT) Simple stereo chorus/delays. Left and right modulation mirror each other. When left mods up, right mods
down. Stereo in, stereo out.
819 Chorustaps 96 2,2
820 Chorustaps 8 96 8,4
[GVKS]{DM}(TT) Series delays with LFOs.
821 Detune Chorus 96 2,2
[GVK]{P} Similar to 'Real Chorus' with lots of detuned echoes. Summed in, stereo out.
822 Drew'sThroatflange 96 2,2
{RDME}(TT) A deep negative resonant flange that adds a throaty quality to sounds. Sounds cool on drums as well. Summed in,
stereo out.
823 Drunken Sailor 96 4,4
{DM} This is a deeply unpleasant effect which may strike a chord with those of a nautical inclination. It may also bring
back fond memories of analog tape decks. There is an amusing time lag on the Wind adjustment. Quad in, quad out.
824 DualChorus 96 2,2
w Tweaked as chorus
825 DualChorusDelays 96 2,2
w Tweaked as sweeping delays.
{DM}(TT) Simple stereo chorus. Stereo in, stereo out.
826 Envelope Flanger 96 4,4
827 Envelope Flanger 8 96 || 8,8
827 Envelope Flanger 8 48 8,8
{DY} A flanger that is controlled by the level of the input. <attack> and <decay> control the response time. For
something different, try LONG <depth>'s.
828 Flange Echoes 96 2,2
[VD]{DME}(TT) Each of four flangers are panned and then feed a stereo echo.. Stereo in, stereo out.
829 Flanged Delays 96 2,2
{DM} Two delays where the echoes are flanged. Stereo in, stereo out.
830 Hiccup Chorus 96 2,2
{DM} Eight chorusing delays into a stuttering tremolo effect. You can engage an external control to change the trem
rate. Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 29 of 109 12/30/2003