
5734 StringTrio 48 2,4
5734 StringTrio 96 || 2,4
[G]{PRY}(TT) Non-diatonic interactive shifter with verb. Choose three intervals for each of two shifts which are triggered
by source level and randomly chosen. Envelope control of shifts and source helps to emulate strings. Stereo in, quad
58 Sound Effects
This is a collection of sound effects, some based on the equally numbered presets on the 3000B, others
from the Orville. In most cases they should be used 100 percent ‘wet.’
5810 Alert (401) 96 0,2
{PDME} This program produces a harsh sound: <rate> controls the alarm sweep rate, <tone> controls the tone of the
sound. Nothing in, stereo out.
5811 Doorbell (403) 96 0,2
{PDE} This program generates a familiar doorbell sound when triggered: <ring> will ring the doorbell <tone> adjusts
the tone <tune> controls the pitch. Nothing in, stereo out.
5812 Flintlock 96 0,2
{PE} This is a careful simulation of an antique flintlock rifle. If you listen carefully, you will hear the fine quality of the
engraving on the beautiful rosewood handle. Nothing in, stereo out.
5813 Himalayan Heights 96 || 0,2
5813 Himalayan Heights 48 0,2
{PRME} Karplus/Strong synthesis.This patch uses noise generators through crazy oscillating filters that can be tuned to
specific notes. Here they are tuned to a random pulsing A minor pentatonic arpeggio. Wind is also available to design
a winter Tibetan landscape. Filters sound almost like gamelans. Tuning menu sets on/off rate and tuning for each filter.
Great patch for songs intros & endings.... Nothing in, stereo out.
5814 Jet Fly By 96 2,2
{PDE} Hit the <fly by> param and the jet will do it, left to right. User warning: the jet will fly by on loading preset !
Nothing in, stereo out.
5815 Jettison (405) 96 0,2
{DE} Similar to 'jet', this sound is reminiscent of rocket stages being jettisoned, or perhaps a spaceship blasting off.
<jettison> triggers the jet sound <speed> controls the speed <whine> adds complaints. Stereo in, stereo out.
5816 Locomotive 96 0,2
{PDME} Those of us of advanced years can dimly remember the sound of a steam engine. Here is a jog for the memory.
<roll out> puts it in gear and ramps between low speed and top speed. Nothing in, stereo out.
5817 Mortar Shells 96 0,2
{PDE} War has broken out in the next street (again). Here are a few sound effects to complete the picture. Nothing in,
stereo out.
5818 Sonar (409) 96 0,2
{DE} This simulates the sound of a submarine's sonar: <ping> does it. Nothing in, stereo out.
5819 Stereocopter (410) 96 0,2
{PDME} Use this if you need an easy helicopter sound: <speed> controls the rotors. Nothing in, stereo out.
5820 Stormwatch 96 2,2
{PDME} Asymmetric modulations give this collection of nature at work an animated feel. Howling wind, driving rain plus
distant thunder via the <bolt> parameter. Great background effect. Nothing in, stereo out.
5821 TankAttack (411) 96 0,2
{PDE} This has the familiar sound of an arcade tank game: <fire> goes boom <rumble> tunes the explosion <range>
controls implied distance. Nothing in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 86 of 109 12/30/2003