65 Vintage Gear
An amazing collection of classic analog and digital vintage units replicas, showing other aspects of this
open system. If you know how it was made, you could re-build it here! Look for your oldies in this
6510 140 EMT Plate 96 2,2
{RDE} A plate reverb with simple parameter layout. Switch-able in, stereo out.
6511 893 Undulator 96 2,2
[GK]{PDMY}(TT) Dynamic tremolo from 2 delays and 2 detuners in a mixed series/parallel configuration. BIAS sets how the lfo
dynamically reacts to input level. An ethereal texture from H3000 days. Mono in, stereo out.
6512 AMS DMX 1580S 96 2,2
{PM} AMS emulation with parameters at null settings. Switch-able in, stereo out.
6513 DynoMyPiano1380S 96 || 2,2
6513 DynoMyPiano1380S 48 2,2
[GK]{DM} Songbird/DyTronics Dyno My Piano Tri Stereo Chorus 1380 S replica. Very popular chorus unit in early 80s.
The 3 L/C/R lfo faders control progressive waveshaping of the modulation. <pullouts>: here are controls for the
original knobs pullouts that enhance the spatial perception of each chorus line and engage feedback for flanging.
Summed in, stereo out.
6514 H3000 Verby Chorus 96 2,2
{RDM} H3000 #384 VERBY CHORUS patch, built with SWEPT REVERB algorithm. Summed in, stereo out.
6515 H3000BreathingCanyon 96 2,2
{RDM} H3000 #579 BREATHING CANYON patch, built with SWEPT REVERB algorithm. Summed in, stereo out.
6516 Hand Flanger 96 4,4
{D} Through the use of fixed delays in parallel with a 'manual' delays. You can rock through zero time as happens by
'flanging' tape reels. <mix> is a mix of the fixed and manual delay lines. For full effect no source should be mixed in.
Quad in, quad out.
6517 Omnipressor (R) 96 2,2
{DEY} This 'vintage' emulation comes directly from the source. Richard would be happy to share with you his foray into
'Vsig', our graphics editing package. His journey 'The Anatomy of a Preset', as well as Vsig itself, may be down loaded
from our web site at eventide.com. Mono in, mono out.
6518 Pcm70 Concert Hall 96 || 2,2
6518 Pcm70 Concert Hall 48 2,2
6519 Pcm70 Sax Hall 48 2,2
6519 Pcm70 Sax Hall 96 || 2,2
w Tweak for moody Blade Runner style sax lines.
{RDE} Pcm70 original Concert Hall algorithm. Left & right reflections available. Diffusers and Verbs delays are
available to shape different environments. Set expert parameter to 1 to access them. Summed in, stereo out.
6520 RMX Simu Ambiance 96 2,2
{RD} That AMS Gated room kinda sound. Nice on kick drums and other percussion. Summed in, stereo out.
6521 Stereo Undulator 96 2,2
[GK]{PDMY}(TT) True stereo version of H3000 'undulator' effect. Stereo in, stereo out.
6522 Tape Echo 96 2,2
[GVK]{DME} Analog style tape echo with filtering, tape flutter & wear out simulations. Summed in, mono out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 91 of 109 12/30/2003