
3912 GrooveSync Delay 96 2,2
[GDK]{DE}(TT) Cascade mode takes the output of the left delay (including feedback) and feeds the input of the right delay.
Stereo in, stereo out.
3913 Plex-o-tronica 96 2,2
[GK]{RDME}(TT) Plex verb with modfilters embedded in its structure. A very flexible structure tweaked here as an interesting
rhythmic TT delay evolving into distant verb. Choose TT switch in the system menu. Summed in, stereo out.
3914 Pulsewave 96 4,4
[GKS]{M}(TT) Four channel tremolo with independent params. <polarity> selects direction of trem. Quad in, quad out.
3915 Swing Pong Delay 48 2,2
{DE}(TT) Ping pong delay with swing factor. Stereo in, stereo out.
3916 Techno Rave 96 4,4
[GDKS]{PDME}(TT) Bpm sample/hold and trem into dual 'pingringpongs'. Ring freqs are half that of s/h and trem, are
pos & neg and are chosen via s/h and trem values. Switch-able in, quad out.
3917 TrigLFO Filter Bank 96 3,4
{MEY}(TT) Input on channel 3 triggers the 4 LFOs to jump to a specific point in their waveforms. 'Thresh' adjusts the
threshold for triggering. 'TPhase' specifies where in the waveform it will start. 'Wave' and 'Duty' select the waveform.
One cycle is equal to the 'Note' value for the given 'BPM'. Four filters are modulated. DSPin1-> Fltr1&3, DSPin2->
Fltr2&4. Select the base frequency for each filter and how much it is modded. Stereo in, quad out.
3918 TrigLFO Flanger 48 3,2
3919 TrigLFO Pan, Trem 48 3,4
w A synchable panner, trem, or circle. DSPin1 is modified between DSPouts1&2 and DSPin2 is modified between DSPouts3&4. To use as
a 'stereo' panner, trem, or circle, use DSPouts1&4.
3920 TrigLFO St ModFilter 48 3,2
3921 TrigLFO St Phaser 48 3,2
{DMEY}(TT) A stereo phaser with feedback. Input on DSP 3 triggers the LFO to jump to a specific point in its waveform.
'Thresh' adjusts the threshold for triggering. 'TPhase' specifies where in the waveform it will start. 'Wave' and 'Duty'
select the waveform. One cycle is equal to the 'Note' value for the given 'BPM'. Great for synching FX to a song.
Interesting results if the note value for your trigger does not coincide with the 'Note' parameter. The time you spend
figuring out this triggered LFO will be well worth it. Look for other 'TrigLFO' FX for the same mechanism. Dual mono
in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 62 of 109 12/30/2003