
5032 SplashVerb Maxsweep 96 2,2
{R} A unique swept reverb with some unusual gating options on the input. Stereo in, stereo out.
5033 Square Tremolo Verb 96 2,2
[S]{RMY} This reverb has a hard edged tremolo after the verb which cuts the sound into pieces. With slow source material
this can give a cool shimmer, on faster material you might get seasick. Stereo in, stereo out.
5034 Swell Verb 9 96 2,2
{RE} A dynamic reverb with headroom, gate & envelope filter built in. The dynamic envelope filter offers possibilities
found in no other reverb units. Try adjusting <fmod> to a negative number! Lower your monitor volume while carefully
adjusting filter since instabilities will occur with extreme settings and low <q>'s. Envelope filter has a bypass switch at
lower right. Disable gate by turning thresh to -100 or ungated lvl to 100. Summed in, stereo out.
5035 Tremolo Reverb 96 2,2
{RMY} A reverb followed by a tremolo. The tremolo rate is modified by the input level. Stereo in, stereo out.
5036 Wormhole 96 2,2
[S]{RDE} Mega-sized, tilting reverb. Summed in, stereo out.
5037 Zipper Up 96 2,2
{RD} Fast, increasing, diffused echos with reverb. Summed in, stereo out.
51 Ring-mods
If you are looking for a ring modulator effect, go no further !
5110 Bell Ringer 48 2,2
5110 Bell Ringer 96 || 2,2
[GK]{PDE} Reverse echoes build into a ring modulator. Boing followed by a Bailing tail. Strange, but true. Mono in, stereo
5111 Envelope Ring Mod 96 4,4
[GKS]{Y} Input signal is ring modded with a sine wave whose freq is controlled by the envelope of the input. Sounds cool
on percussion. Quad in, quad out.
5112 Evil Ring Dist 96 4,4
[GKS]{E} A very evil ring-ish sounding distortion. No warm analog sounds here.The effect actually takes the cosine of your
input signal. Higher <distort> values work well for sparse signals but sound rough on fuller sounds. Use the filters to
pick out the good stuff. Quad in, quad out.
5113 Modulating Ring Mod 96 4,4
[GKS]{M} Input signal is ring modded with a modulating sine wave. Quad in, quad out.
5114 TRUE RingMod 96 4,4
TRUE old school ring mod. In MODE 1, 1 modulates 2 and all 4 outputs are the result. In MODE 2, 1 modulates 3
and the result is at outs 1 and 3. Switch-able in, quad out.
5115 One Way Ring Mod 96 2,2
{DM} Ring modulation with perpetually falling or rising sine waves. Because of the mechanisms involved, the program
distorts upon loading (sorry!). Stereo in, stereo out.
52 Sampler - Large
The Sampler module, only available on DSP A, is featured here. This is a group of effects showcasing its
real-time editing and versatility, worth exploring for your preset writing.
5210 Digi Timesqueeze(R) 96 2,2
[V]{S} An easy to use TimeSqueeze program. Record a sample, then set the desired playback time or ratio. Top and tail
can be trimmed, and fades can be added on the edit menu. After scrub editing, be sure to hit <stop> or <play>. Stereo
in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 77 of 109 12/30/2003