
1116 Omnipressor (R) 96 2,2
{DEY} This 'vintage' emulation comes directly from the source. Richard would be happy to share with you his foray into
'Vsig', our graphics editing package. His journey 'The Anatomy of a Preset', as well as Vsig itself, may be down loaded
from our web site at eventide.com. Mono in, mono out.
1117 Perfect Trem 96 2,2
[GVK]{MY}(TT) Retrigger-able fm tremolo. Audio can retrigger the LFO so downbeats can set angle of waveform. Audio can
also modulate the LFO to allow a faster or slower rate during decay. Stereo in, stereo out.
1118 PsychicDuck DSP A 96 4,2
{DY} Fades down the `sub' signal smoothly before the 'main' signal starts. For automated mixdowns and paging
systems. NOTE: Runs in DSP A only! Switch-able in, stereo out.
1119 Eight Expanders 96 8,8
{Y} Octal/8 mono expanders. <master> params control all channels simultaneously. Individual channel controls
override masters. Octal in, octal out.
1120 Octal Trem 96 8,8
{M}(TT) Simple tremolo effect. Octal in, octal out.
1121 Ramp Up/Down 8 96 8,8
{E} This preset gives you the ability to create audio fades in & out, either exponentially, linearly, or define your own
envelope. Octal in, octal out.
1122 SemiClassic Squeeze 96 2,2
{Y} A classic compressor topology is used in this algorithm. Has a knee and considerable overshoot. You can
overload a little without harsh clipping. Dual mono in, dual mono out.
1123 Top 40 Compressor 96 2,2
[VD]{Y} A classic compressor topology is used in this algorithm. You can overload a little without harsh clipping. Dual
mono in, dual mono out.
1124 Tremolo Lux 96 2,2
[GK]{MY} Tremolo with some envelope modulation. Has rate and tremolo depth. Stereo in, stereo out.
1125 Comp(3bandFIR)_S 48 2,2
1125 Comp(3bandFIR)_S 96 || 2,2
{DEY} Through the use of FIR filters this multiband compressor keeps phase coherent. Master params <m_> offset
allbands as seen in graph. Note that crossover frequencies are bound to each other. Stereo in, stereo out.
1126 Comp(4bandFIR)_S 48 2,2
1126 Comp(4bandFIR)_S 96 || 2,2
{DEY} Through the use of FIR filters this multiband compressor keeps phase coherent. Master params <m_> offset
allbands as seen in graph. Note that crossover frequencies are bound to each other. Stereo in, stereo out.
1127 Comp(5bandFIR)_M 96 || 2,2
1127 Comp(5bandFIR)_M 48 2,2
{DEY} Through the use of FIR filters this multiband compressor keeps phase coherent. Master params <m_> offset
allbands as seen in graph. Note that crossover frequencies are bound to each other. Stereo in, stereo out.
1130 5.1 Compression 96 6,6
[S]{Y} 5.1 compression. Notice that MASTER parameters do not control the LFE channel compressor. Use its menupage
parameters instead. 5.1 I/O.
1131 5.1 Compr>3 B ParEQ 96 6,6
[S]{EY} 5.1 compression > 3 band Param EQ. Notice that MASTER parameters do not control the LFE channel
compressor. Use its menupage parameters instead. 5.1 I/O.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 35 of 109 12/30/2003