
3014 Dervish 96 2,2
{DMY}(TT) Smooth swirling delays via enveloped series chorus delays and stereo flanging. Summed in, stereo out.
3015 Detune & Reverb 96 2,2
{PR} Micro pitch-shift into reverb. Stereo in, stereo out.
3016 Dr. Jekyll 2 96 || 4,4
3016 Dr. Jekyll 2 48 4,4
{PDM} Quad pitch and slap followed by 1x4DLY repeating delay effect. Quad in, quad out.
3017 Easternizer 96 2,2
{PRDMCE} Input tone control into pitch shifter, reverb, and delay (chorus). Pitch shifter also feeds the reverb & delay. Final
output EQ. Summed in, stereo out.
3018 FatFunkVocalFilter 96 2,2
[V]{RE}(TT) Vocal filter after a reverb. The sweep of the vocal filter is triggered by your sound. The reverb makes your sound
hang on while being swept by the filter. Mono in, mono out.
3019 Glitterous Verb 48 2,2
3019 Glitterous Verb 96 || 2,2
{PRDCE}(TT) A shifted echo and your sound go through a reverb. Stereo in, stereo out.
3020 Guitar Mania 96 2,2
[G]{PDME}(TT) Tone, shift, phaser, chorus, and delay. The almost everything rack. Summed in, mono out.
3021 GunnShift 96 2,2
{PDM}(TT) Pitchshift > moddelays. Summed in, stereo out.
3022 Inst Process 96 2,2
{PDME}(TT) This preset gives you a pitch shift, phaser, chorus, and delay rack. Summed in, mono out.
3023 L=verb R=pitch 96 2,2
{PR} Left input feeds a reverb. Right input feeds a four output multi-shifter. Outputs are then summed to stereo. Dual
mono in, stereo out.
3024 Larynx Delay 96 2,2
{DMEY}(TT) Throaty envelope filters and modulating ping-pong delays. Stereo in, stereo out.
3025 Mods/comps/filters 96 2,2
{DMEY}(TT) Moddelays>compressors>filters. Stereo in, stereo out.
3026 Moon Solo 96 2,2
{PDME}(TT) Unique combination of EQ, pitch-shift, phaser, chorus and delay. Summed in, mono out.
3027 Pickers Paradise 96 2,2
[G]{RDMCEY} This rack has compressor, EQ, delay chorus, reverb and tremolo. Summed in, stereo out.
3028 Roey's Delay + Shift 96 2,2
[GVK]{PDME}(TT) The delayed left input and straight right input are summed and feed a four output multishift. Dual
mono in, stereo out.
3029 Roey's Verb + Rack 96 2,2
[GVK]{RDME} Left input feeds a reverb. Right input feeds a rack consisting of a delay a flanger and two filters. Outputs of
both chains summed to stereo. Dual mono in, stereo out.
3030 SeqWah ChorVerb 48 2,4
3030 SeqWah ChorVerb 96 || 2,4
{PRME}(TT) Inputs summed to mono, then fed to a sequence of eight bandpass filters. Front pans routed to an EZ chorus en
route to outputs 1 and 2. Rear-panned audio goes to an E reverb before reaching outputs 3 and 4. Summed in, quad
3031 Space Station 96 2,2
[GK]{PRDMCE} Big, thick echo-y reverb, but there's a lot more going on here. Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 53 of 109 12/30/2003