
32 Multiple Machines
This is a bank of power!
The presets here contain 3 or 4 stereo processors, mostly run in parallel, substituting for a full rack of
modern or vintage units. Taking advantage of the great number of inputs and outputs of the H8000, you
will be able to process many sources through these“virtual machines,” covering a great range of the
most widely used effects.
3210 4CompEq_2VintDuckDly 96 || 8,8
3210 4CompEq_2VintDuckDly 48 8,8
[V]{DMEY}(TT) In1 > Comp1 > 3B Eq1 > Out1 In2 > Comp2 > 3B Eq2 > Out2 In3 > Comp3 > 3B Eq3 > Out3 In4 > Comp4
> 3B Eq4 > Out4 All mono I/O Ins5&6>Vintage St DuckDly1>Outs5&6 Ins7&8>Vintage St DuckDly2>Outs7&8
Inputs to each stereo delay is selectable among each of the 4 CompEqs or the inputs 5&6 or 7&8. Sum mono or stereo
I/Stereo O.
3211 Acoustic Gtr Mondo 48 6,6
[G]{PRDMCEY}(TT) Ins1+2 > Shift>Compr>Verb > Outs1 & 2 Sum In/Stereo Out Ins 3&4 or Dry+Shift(1+2) > Chorus
> Outs3 &4 Stereo I/O Ins 5+6 or Verb(1+2) > Undulator > Outs5&6 Stereo I/O. Great with acoustic guitars!
3212 Delays Suite 96 || 6,6
3212 Delays Suite 48 6,6
[GVDK]{DMEY}(TT) Ins 1&2 > Band Dlys4 > Outs 1&2 Stereo I/O Ins 3&4 > Filtered Dlys > Outs 3&4 Stereo I/O Ins
5&6 > Vintage Duck Dlys > Outs 5&6 Stereo I/O.
3213 DShif_VDly_Hall 96 || 6,6
3213 DShif_VDly_Hall 48 6,6
[GVDK]{PRDMCE}(TT) Ins 1+2 >2v Diatonic Shift > Outs 1 & 2 summed in, stereo out. Ins 3&4 > Vintage St Delays>Outs
3&4 Stereo I/O Ins 5&6 > Vocal Hall > Outs 5&6 Stereo I/O.
3214 Dtune_VDly_Hall_EQ 48 || 8,8
[GVDK]{PRDMCE}(TT) Ins 1+2 > Detuner > Outs 1 & 2 Summed in, stereo out Ins 3&4 > Vintage St Delays>Outs 3&4
Stereo I/O Ins 5&6 > Vocal Hall > Outs 5&6 Stereo I/O Ins 7&8 > St 3 band Eq > Outs 7&8 Stereo I/O.
3215 Mpitch_Pcm70_PanDly 48 || 6,6
[GVDK]{PRDMCEY}(TT) Ins 1&2>H3000 Micropitch > Outs 1&2 Stereo I/O Ins 3+4> Pcm70 Hall > Outs 3&4 Summed in,
stereo out Ins 5&6 or pitch out> pan DDL>Outs 5&6 Stereo I/O.
3216 Plate_Inv_VintDly_Ch 48 8,8
[GVDK]{RDME}(TT) Ins1&2>e/r>diff>drum plate verb>outs1&2 Stereo I/O Ins3+4 > inverse verb > outs 3&4 Sum
I/stereo out Ins5+6 > vintage stereo delay >outs 5&6 Stereo I/O Ins7&8 > stereo chorus > outs 7&8 Stereo I/O.
3217 Q Delays_Ambience 96 || 6,6
3217 Q Delays_Ambience 48 6,6
[GVDKS]{RDE}(TT) Ins 1/2/3/4 > Quad Dlys > Outs 1/2/3/4 Each input feeds a diffusor (master) which feeds a
moddelay with filters and another diffusor in its feedback path. Thick diffused polyrhythms are possible. Pre-delay's
diffusor params are in the master menu. Feedback diffusors are in the taps menus. Reduce input trim to -6/10dB with
high feedback settings! Quad I/O Ins 5 & 6 > Ambiance > Outs 5 & 6 Stereo I/O.
3218 Virtual Rack 1 96 || 8,8
3218 Virtual Rack 1 48 8,8
3219 Virtual Rack 2 96 || 8,8
3219 Virtual Rack 2 48 8,8
3220 Virtual Rack 3 96 || 8,8
3220 Virtual Rack 3 48 8,8
[GVDK]{PRDMCEY}(TT) Ins 1+2 > H3000 dual Shift > Outs 1 & 2 summed in, stereo out. Ins 3+4>2290 TT
dyndly+pan+duck > Outs3&4 summed in, stereo out. Ins 5+6>1210 stereo chorus/flanger > Outs 5&6 summed in,
stereo out. Ins 7+8> PCM70 Hall > Outs 7 & 8 Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 55 of 109 12/30/2003