
650 4 I/O Delays 48 4,4
650 4 I/O Delays 96 || 4,4
[GVS]{RDE}(TT) Each input feeds a diffusor (master) which feeds a moddelay with filters and another diffusor in its fdback
path. Thick diffused polyrhythms are possible. Pre-delays diffusor's params are in the master menu. Feedback diffusors
are in the taps menus. Reduce input trim to -6/10dB with high feedback settings! Vintage sound for the connoisseur.
Quad I/O.
651 Filtered Dlys 96 2,2
[VK]{DME}(TT) Two delay lines with modfilters in their feedback paths. Stereo I/O.
652 Quad Delays Ambience 96 || 4,4
652 Quad Delays Ambience 48 4,4
[VS]{RDE}(TT) Each input feeds a diffusor (master) which feeds a moddelay with filters and another diffusor in its fdback
path. Thick diffused polyrhythms are possible. Pre-delays diffusor's params are in the master menu. Feedback diffusors
are in the taps menus. Reduce input trim to -6/10dB with high feedback settings! Vintage sound for the connoisseur.
Quad I/O.
653 Quad Echoes 96 || 4,4
653 Quad Echoes 48 4,4
[GVS]{RDE}(TT) Each input feeds a diffusor (master) which feeds a moddelay with filters and another diffusor in its fdback
path. Thick diffused polyrhythms are possible. Pre-delays diffusor's params are in the master menu. Feedback diffusors
are in the taps menus. Reduce input trim to -6/10dB with high feedback settings! Vintage sound for the connoisseur.
Quad I/O.
654 Vintage Delay 96 2,2
{DME}(TT) Two vintage sounding delay lines. Some modern control features are added. Stereo I/O.
655 Vintage St DuckDlys 96 2,2
{DMEY}(TT) Stereo Vintage Delays with ducking. Stereo I/O.
7 Delays - Loops
This bank contains a number of looping presets based on the longdelay module. This module is only
available in DSP A; the presets using it will thus only be loadable on DSP A.
This is a truly amazing collection really unique in the audio industry. You would need an array of
several looping, processing and mixing units to try to achieve what some of these presets can do !
Others are not even possible outside of the Eventide platform. Here are some examples: pre and post
loop pitch shifters, 4 speakers panning, rotating or reflecting loops, multi-track loopers, polyrhythmic
and “canon” style loops, criss-cross feedback loops, real-time timesqueeze processed loops, reverb/delay
post-processed loops, harmony shiftable loops.
A note on use:
Loops have Assign 2 patched to loop input level (volume pedal) by default. Make sure you have a volume
pedal connected to rear panel Pedal 1 or 2 inputs or any midi real time controller patched to Assign 2.
710 Fractal Vortex 96 2,2
[GVK]{DMY} (Tim) Cascade looper with envelope control of the looper's input mix. Its output is fed into a panner
which sprays the effect into a stereo glide, fed also directly by dry input. Envelope bias adjusts sensitivity of
modulation for the input/feedback mix of the looper. Loud signals add new audio to loop, decreasing level of old
layers. Soft signals keep both in the loop. Echo balance: when set at min, the mix is all Echo 1, at max. it's all Echo 2.
In between settings produce echo rhythm that change over time. Assign 2: door. Set feedback at 90/95%%. Summed in,
stereo out.
711 Helix Loops 48 4,4
[GVKS]{DY} (Tim) Four 20 sec stereo loops. <loop#> chooses which pair sees input. Quad in, quad out.
712 HelixManifold 48 2,2
[GVK]{PRDCY}(TT) (Tim) 'Helix loops' + effects. Pitch > 4 loops > verb > delays. Stereo in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 26 of 109 12/30/2003