
4030 2_5.1 Ac Gtr Space 96 || 2,6
4030 2_5.1 Ac Gtr Space 48 2,6
w Very nice chamber verb on acoustic guitars.
4031 2_5.1 Bright Gym 96 || 2,6
4031 2_5.1 Bright Gym 48 2,6
w Hard surfaces bright reflections space.
4032 2_5.1 Cathedral 48 2,6
4032 2_5.1 Cathedral 96 || 2,6
w When you need something majestic… this is the place to be.
4033 2_5.1 Chamber Choir 48 2,6
4033 2_5.1 Chamber Choir 96 || 2,6
w A backing vocals track feels just right with this one.
4034 2_5.1 Drums Room 48 2,6
4034 2_5.1 Drums Room 96 || 2,6
w All time favourite drums ambiance.
4035 2_5.1 Empty Arena 96 || 2,6
4035 2_5.1 Empty Arena 48 2,6
4036 2_5.1 Fat Drums 48 2,6
4036 2_5.1 Fat Drums 96 || 2,6
w Make those drums head pop out of your monitors!
4037 2_5.1 Majestic Plate 96 || 2,6
4037 2_5.1 Majestic Plate 48 2,6
w Beauty for vocals and solo instrumental tracks.
4038 2_5.1 Sax Plate 96 || 2,6
4038 2_5.1 Sax Plate 48 2,6
w Horns need a …plate !
4039 2_5.1 Surr Slap Back 48 2,6
4039 2_5.1 Surr Slap Back 96 || 2,6
w Reverb with reflections coming back from the rear speakers.
4040 2_5.1 Tight Booth 96 || 2,6
4040 2_5.1 Tight Booth 48 2,6
w Very small space for drums & vocals.
4041 2_5.1 Tight Snare 48 2,6
4041 2_5.1 Tight Snare 96 || 2,6
w Try your different snare samples or tracks thru this.
4042 2_5.1 Tunnel 48 2,6
4042 2_5.1 Tunnel 96 || 2,6
w Dark, unnatural reverb from underground spaces.
4043 2_5.1 Vocal Hall 48 2,6
4043 2_5.1 Vocal Hall 96 || 2,6
w Can't get more classic than a nice hall reverb for your vocals.
[VS]{RDE} Early reflection delays attempt to recreate the reflections of walls, floor and ceiling. <Size> pre-sets e/r patterns,
diffusion delays and hicuts. <Scaler> scales diff delays. You can change all e/r dlys and hicuts values for each <Size>
preset. It will remember your settings. Use <sur predly> to create spread/distance between front and rear speakers.
Stereo in, 5.1 out.
4044 Surr Black Hole 96 || 2,6
4044 Surr Black Hole 48 2,6
[GKS]{RDE} An abnormally large reverb, sucking everything into a bottomless chamber. Great on sparse playing! Try setting
the diffuser to 68 and the size to 91 for a reverse hole. Use this patch on mono sources only. Summed in, 5.1 out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 64 of 109 12/30/2003