4223 Living Room 96 2,2
[V]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4224 L/C/R Mics Room 96 || 2,2
4224 L/C/R Mics Room 48 2,2
[GVDK]{RDE}(TT) Chamber Verb > 4 Band Delays. This preset simulates one near, and two far microphones in a
medium sized room. Do not mix any dry signal. The near microphone is panned to the center. The two far microphones
are panned full left and right. Stereo I/O.
4225 Piano Hall 48 2,2
4225 Piano Hall 96 || 2,2
[K]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 2 parallel delay lines (1sec) to simulate walls reflections. Post low and high shelving
EQs filter the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4226 Plate > BandPass 96 2,2
[D]{RDE}(TT) Post processed verb: stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback,
2nd set of delays (2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processingpath > band pass filter with automatic
& manual adjustable spread in octaves. Stereo in, stereo out.
4227 Rich Chamber 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of
delays (2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4228 Room > Bandpass 96 2,2
[VDS]{RDE}(TT) Post processed verb: stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback,
2nd set of delays (2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processingpath > band pass filter with automatic
& manual adjustable spread in octaves. Stereo in, stereo out.
4229 Sax Chamber 96 2,2
4230 Sax Plate 96 2,2
4231 Slap Plate 96 2,2
4232 Snare Plate 96 2,2
4233 Tiled Room 96 2,2
4234 Vocal Chamber 96 2,2
[V]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4235 Vocal Hall 48 2,2
4235 Vocal Hall 96 || 2,2
[V]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 2 parallel delay lines (1sec) to simulate walls reflections. Post low and high shelving
EQs filter the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4236 Vox Plate 96 2,2
[V]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) has no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) has feedback. A post hicut filters the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4237 Wide Hall 96 || 2,2
4237 Wide Hall 48 2,2
[GVK]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 2 parallel delay lines (1sec) to simulate walls reflections. Post low and high shelving
EQs filter the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 68 of 109 12/30/2003