4417 Masterverb(post) 96 2,2
[VDK]{RE}(TT) This is the second half of 'MasterverbHall 1'. If you connect it in series with the first half (Masterverb(pre)) it
will sound the same as the original preset but allow 96KHz operation. Stereo in, stereo out.
4418 Masterverb(pre) 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE} This is the first half of 'Masterverb Hall 1.' If you connect it is series with the second half (100 %% wet)
(masterverb(post)) it will sound the same as the original preset but allow 96KHz operation. Stereo in, stereo out.
4419 Matt's Fat Room 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE} Warm, slightly chorus-y room with input and output EQ. Switch-able mono/stereo in, stereo out.
4420 Roomy Hall 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE} Nice room with a warm hall body and a touch of chorus. Stereo in, stereo out.
4421 SplashVerb 96 2,2
[VDK]{R} A very long, tunnel-like hall with gate-able inputs. Stereo in, stereo out.
4422 3B X-over Hall 48 2,2
[GVDK]{RE} A three band stereo crossover sends audio to three parallel verbs with low & high decay scaling ratios according
to mid decay. These decay controls can also be fully independent. Pitch modulation parameters are separate for each
verb. Output level for each band & hicut on master output available. Stereo in, stereo out.
45 Reverbs - Plates
This bank includes plate and spring emulations for all occasions. Some are smooth, others are metallic
or swept; plates are dense and colored, great for percussion, vocals and brass. They are particularly
popular among vocalists, who want a diffuse background, without recognisable reflections or placement
4510 Chorus & Plate 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDM}(TT) Nice, tight ambience with some built-in chorusing. Stereo in, stereo out.
4511 EMT-style Plate 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDE} Warm emulation of a big plate with childproof controls. Summed in, stereo out.
4512 Metallic Plate 96 2,2
[VD]{RDE}(TT) Bright, dense and metallic, as the name says. Summed in, stereo out.
4513 Reverb A2 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDM} Modulated allpass filters in front of a reverb. Stereo in, stereo out.
4514 Sizzler Plate 96 2,2
[D]{RDE}(TT) Sizzly-sounding plate-like reverb. Summed in, stereo out.
4515 Springverb 96 2,2
[G]{RDME} Boinky, ringy, cheapo-spring, reverb sound. Summed in, stereo out.
4516 St.Plate+Chorus 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDM}(TT) Stereo chorus inparallel with a platelike reverb. Stereo in, stereo out.
4517 Stereo Plate 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RD}(TT) Dense, midrangy plate. A little like most plates but different. Stereo in, stereo out.
4518 Swept Plate 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDE}(TT) Plate with built in EQs. Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 70 of 109 12/30/2003