713 Levitation Alpha 48 4,4
714 Levitation Beta 48 4,4
w With 10 second reverse shifter
715 Levitation Gamma 48 4,4
w With 2 second diatonic shift
[GVKS]{PRDMCY}(TT) BPM loop + effects Sums (1+3 and 2+4) feed stereo shift >loop (80 sec) >verb>slap(2 sec). Pitch:
has envelope shaping external modulation <mod1>and is bypass-able. Loop: volume pedal <mod2> is door to loop, so
set <mod2> to high if you do not want this performance feature. Choose BPM, meter and # of measures for loop
length. Slap: has source selection as well as output selection (front/rear/both). Quad in, quad out.
716 Loop_timesqueeze 48 2,2
[GVK]{PRDCY}(TT) (Tim) Stereo loops > timesqueeze > verb. Loops crisscross feedback. Timesqueeze allows independent
duration and pitch control. Stereo in, stereo out.
717 Manifold Alpha 48 2,2
718 Manifold Beta 48 2,2
[GVK]{PD} Non-sampler looping preset, This one with a reverse shifter, 32 sec loop + 4 sec slap. <door> is feed level to
effect. <inmix> to Pitch 0=Input, 100=Loop. <inmix> to Loop 0=Input, 100=Pitch. Loop has a volume pedal before it
set to mod2. Heel= no input, toe= <door> level. in+loop+pitch feed slap loop+pitch output left. slap output right.
Summed in, stereo out.
719 Mobius Loops 48 4,4
[GVKS]{DY} (Tim) 'Rotation manifold' with second loop rotating counterclockwise. Quad in, quad out.
720 MobiusManifold 48 4,4
[GVKS]{PRDCY}(TT) (Tim) 'Rotation manifold' with second quad loop rotating counterclockwise. Stereo pitch > (2)quad loops
> quad verbs > quad delays. Quad in, quad out.
721 Panning Loops 48 4,4
[GVKS]{DMY}(TT) BPM quad loops(40 sec)>quad panner. <mod2> enables input to loops at level. Stereo in, quad
722 PhaseRefraction1 48 2,4
[GVKS]{DY}(TT) (Tim) Refracts left and right timing within this multitap loop. <skew> is added and subtracted to loop
length. This alternates the phase of the left and right loop as: after/with/before/with etc... Rear channels add a 20 mS
throw. Stereo in, quad out.
723 PhaseRefraction2 48 2,4
[GVKS]{DY} (Tim) Refracts left and right timing within this multitap loop. <skew> is a multiplier of loop length. With a loop
length of 4 sec and a <skew1> at 125 %% the left loop plays back in time, but the right loop plays back at 5 sec then
at 3 sec, then at 3 sec then at 5 sec. This alternates the phase of the left and right loop as: after/with/before/with etc..
Rear channels with an added 40 ms throw. Stereo in, quad out.
724 Reich Loops 1 48 4,4
[GVKS]{DY} (Tim) Four mono 35 sec loops + delays. Post loop delays 8 sec max. <loop#> chooses which loop sees input <timer
equals> param selects how the math of the <t_delay> params work. Summed in, quad out.
725 Reich Loops 2 48 4,4
[GVKS]{DY} (Tim) Four mono 40 sec loops + delays. Post loop delays 8 sec max. <loop#> chooses which loop sees input <timer
equals> param selects how the math of the <t_delay> params work. <ramp> params set speed and direction of ramps.
Summed in, quad out.
726 Reich Loops 3 48 4,4
[GVKS]{DY} (Tim) A simple quad loop with <t_skew> parameters which add that time to their respective loop lengths. Be careful
as artifacts from changing <t_skew> will occur within the feedback path. Quad in, quad out.
727 Rotation Loop 48 4,4
[GVKS]{DY} (Tim) Quadloops(40sec) fback to next loop # this rotates the loop clockwise over time. Quad in, quad out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 27 of 109 12/30/2003