
3221 VoxPro_Vdly_Chorus 48 5,6
[V]{PRDMCEY}(TT) In1>compr>eq>micropitch/verb>outs 1&2. Mono I/Stereo O. Don't mix dry in. Use dry level as
post compressor & eq level. Ins 3&4 > vintage st delay > outs 3&4. Stereo I/O. Ins 5&6 > stereo chorus > outs 5&6.
Stereo I/O.
33 Panners
A rich collection of stereo and multi-channel panning tricks. Look in here to move your audio source
through space if not time.
3310 Amplitude Panner 96 4,4
[S]{Y} Pans your input according to its amplitude. For weak signals increase <depth>, and decrease it for strong
signals. <attack> and <decay> select how quickly the pan will follow the amplitude envelope of the signal. Use the
'panning' menu to select panning trajectory. Quad in, quad out.
3311 Auto Panner 96 4,4
w No squish control
[S]{DMY} Quad auto-panner with speed control. Inputs are summed to mono (use<dB> param to trim input), then panned
around the room. Summed in, quad out.
3312 AutoFMPan_Verb 96 2,4
[S]{RM} Quad panner with verb. Summed in, quad out.
3313 AutoPanVerb 96 2,4
[S]{RM}(TT) X/Y auto panner>verb. Summed in, quad out.
3314 Circle Panner 96 2,4
[S]{DM} Circular Quad Panner: Takes inputs 1 and 2 and pans them in a circle around the four outputs. Circle direction,
speed and size can be changed. Stereo in, quad out.
3315 Fly-by 96 2,4
[S]{Y} Push the GO button to send your stereo ins across the room. Adjust the Speed control for the vintage of your jet.
The direction control has 6 positions. Also works as a Left in Stereo out Fly-by for a two channel mix. Stereo in, stereo
3316 FM Panner 96 2,2
{MY}(TT) FM Modulated panner. Summed in, stereo out.
3317 FM Panner_S 96 2,2
{MY}(TT) Stereo version of FM Panner. Stereo in, stereo out.
3319 Gyroscope 96 2,2
{DMY} Gyroscopic panning. Pans to two 'little' fields. Precess rotates the 'big' field. Stereo in, stereo out.
3318 Gyro-X-Pattern 96 4,4
3320 GyroscopicField 96 4,4
[S]{DMY} Each of 4 inputs gets a delay throw to the clockwise channel with which it pans. When precess is selected the
entire circle rotates counterclockwise. Quad in, quad out.
3321 JoystikPanner 96 4,4
[S]{M} Panner: Joystick controlled panning mod1=X mod2=Y Ring1=Activate Ring2=Status activate desired channel,
toggle between 'Locked' and 'Writing' . Quad in, quad out.
3322 Octave Panner 96 || 2,4
3322 Octave Panner 48 2,4
[S]{DMEY} Divides signal into octaves and pans each octave in turn. Lower values of 'XOvr' overlap the octave pans. 'Dir'
controls whether high bands progress to low bands or vice versa. Rate controls how long it takes to cycle through all
the bands. Decrease the input gain to avoid distortion, then use output gain to compensate. Mono in, quad out.
3323 Q_TriggPan 96 2,4
[S]{Y} Audio triggered panner. Summed in, quad out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 56 of 109 12/30/2003