
43 Reverbs - Chambers
Early reflection delays between diffusors and reverbs are the trick to design these relatively colored
spaces. Many possibilities are offered to create your own “chambers,” including some different
variations-on-a-theme algorithms.
4310 Barking Chamber 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE}(TT) Severely EQ'd verb with midrange bark. Summed in, stereo out.
4311 Boston Chamber 96 2,2
[VDK]{RD}(TT) This is a large warm room/small hall. Summed in, stereo out.
4312 Chamber2 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDME}(TT) Plexverb into stereo chorus. Summed in, stereo out.
4313 Dream Chamber 96 2,2
[VDK]{RD}(TT) Chamber effect (delays between diffusion and verb). Stereo in, stereo out.
4314 Italo's Chamber 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE}(TT) Stereo diffusor > verb + 4 parallel delay lines. 1st set of delays (1sec) have no feedback, 2nd set of delays
(2.8sec) have feedback. A 6dB/octave low-pass filter attenuates the whole processing path. Stereo in, stereo out.
4315 Medium Chamber 96 2,2
[VDK]{RD}(TT) This is a bright, reflective room, with built in pre-delay. Summed in, stereo out.
4316 MetallicChamber 96 2,2
[VD]{PR}(TT) Detuners, a large diffusor and reverb. Summed in, stereo out.
4317 Toonchamber 96 2,2
[V]{PR}(TT) Diffusion > e/r > verb. Stereo in, stereo out.
44 Reverbs - Halls
Halls being more reverberant than rooms, these presets offer a wide variety of large and some unusual
reverb spaces and effects. A hall reverb, as the name suggests, usually has a more profound reverb effect,
often with distinct echoes and reflections. These presets are ideal when a noticeable reverberant
background is desired.
4410 Arena Soundcheck 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RD}(TT) Sounds like a huge arena. Testing 1,2,3... Stereo in, stereo out.
4411 Beeg Garage 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDE}(TT) This sounds like a huge city parking garage. Summed in, stereo out.
4412 Big Hall 2 96 2,2
[GVDK]{RDE}(TT) A newer version of 'Big Hall' with extra accessibility. Summed in, stereo out.
4413 Environment#28 96 2,2
[VK]{R}(TT) Similar to 'Room#24' this one has 28 delays, making it very smooth and dense. Stereo in, stereo out.
4414 Masterverb Hall 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE}(TT) Big, warm concert hall with both input and output EQ. Stereo in, stereo out.
4415 Masterverb Hall 1 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE}(TT) Large VFW type room, with input and output EQ. Stereo in, stereo out.
4416 Masterverb Hall 2 96 2,2
[VDK]{RDE}(TT) Warm medium hall. Larger version of 'Masterverb Hall 1.' Stereo in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 69 of 109 12/30/2003