1011 Band Dlys 4_Ambience 96 || 4,4
1011 Band Dlys 4_Ambience 48 4,4
[VK]{RDE}(TT) Ins 1&2 > Band Dlys 4 > Outs 1&2 Stereo I/O Ins 3&4 > Ambience > Outs 3&4 Stereo I/O.
1012 Dly>Phsr_Ambience 48 4,4
1012 Dly>Phsr_Ambience 96 || 4,4
[GVK]{RDMCEY}(TT) Ins1&2>Vint DuckDlys> Phaser>Outs1&2 Stereo I/O Ins3&4 or Phaser > Ambience > Outs 5&6
Quad I/O.
1013 Dly>Phsr_MPitch 48 4,4
1013 Dly>Phsr_MPitch 96 || 4,4
[GVDK]{PDMCEY}(TT) Ins1&2>Vint DuckDlys> Phaser>Outs1&2 Stereo I/O Ins3&4> Micropitch > Outs3&4 Stereo I/O.
1014 DShif_Hall 48 4,4
1014 DShif_Hall 96 || 4,4
{PRDCE}(TT) Ins 1+2 >4v Diatonic Shift >Outs 1&2 Summed in, stereo out Ins 3&4 > Vocal Hall > Outs 3&4 Stereo I/O.
1015 Dtune_Hall 48 4,4
1015 Dtune_Hall 96 || 4,4
{PRDMCE} Ins 1+2 > Detuner > Outs 1 & 2 Summed in, stereo out Ins 3&4 > Vocal Hall > Outs 3&4 Stereo I/O.
1016 Dtune_VinDly 96 4,4
{PDME}(TT) Ins 1+2 > Detuner > Outs 1 & 2 Summed in, stereo out Ins 3&4 > Vintage Stereo Delays>Outs 3&4 Stereo I/O.
1017 DynoMyPiano_Ambience 48 || 4,4
[GK]{RDME}(TT) Songbird/DyTronics Dyno My Piano Tri Stereo Chorus 1380 S replica in parallel to Ambience verb. Ins1+2
> TriStChorus >Outs 1 &2 Summed in, stereo out. Ins 3 & 4 >Ambience>Outs3&4 Stereo I/O. Very popular chorus
unit in early 80s. The 3 L/C/R lfo faders control progressive waveshaping of the modulation. <pullouts>: here are
controls for the original knobs pullouts that enhance the spatial perception of each chorus line and engage feedback
for flanging.
1018 DynoMyPiano_VintDlys 48 4,4
[GK]{DME}(TT) Songbird/DyTronics Dyno My Piano Tri Stereo Chorus 1380 S replica in parallel or series to Vintage
Delays. Ins1+2 > TriStChorus >Outs 1 &2 Summed in, stereo out. Ins3&4 or Chorus out >VintDlys>Outs3&4 Stereo
I/O. Very popular chorus unit in early 80s. The 3 L/C/R lfo faders control progressive waveshaping of the modulation.
<pullouts>: here are controls for the original knobs pullouts that enhance the spatial perception of each chorus line
and engage feedback for flanging.
1019 FltDlys_Rich Chamber 96 || 4,4
1019 FltDlys_Rich Chamber 48 4,4
{RDME}(TT) Ins 1&2 > Filtered Dlys > Outs 1&2 Stereo I/O Ins 3&4 > Rich Chamber > Outs 3&4 Stereo I/O.
1020 Hall_Dual 2Tap Dly 48 4,4
1020 Hall_Dual 2Tap Dly 96 || 4,4
{RDME}(TT) Ins 1&2 > Wide Hall > Outs 1&2 Stereo I/O Ins 3&4 > Dual 2 tap dly> Outs 3&4 Each input feeds a diffusor
(master) which feeds 2 parallel moddlys with filters and another diffusor in theirfdback paths. Thick diffused
polyrhythms are possible. Pre-delays diffusors params are in the master menu. Feedback diffusors are in the taps
menus. Reduce input trim to -6/10dB with high fback settings! Vintage sound for the connoisseur. Stereo I/O.
1021 Modulation Suite 48 4,4
[GK]{DM} Songbird/DyTronics Dyno My Piano Tri Stereo Chorus 1380 S and TC1210 Stereo Chorus replicas in parallel.
Ins1+2 > TriStChorus >Outs 1 &2 Summed in, stereo out. Ins3&4>TC1210>Outs3&4 Stereo I/O. The Dyno was a very
popular chorus unitin early 80s. The 3 L/C/R lfo faders control progressive waveshaping of the modulation.
<pullouts>: here are controls for the original knobs pullouts that enhance the spatial perception of each chorus line
and engage feedback for flanging. The 1210 Stereo Chorus/Flanger features 2 full stereo units in parallel, one
tweaked for chorus, the other for flanger.
1022 Piano & Vocal Halls 48 || 4,4
[VK]{RDE}(TT) Ins 1&2 > Piano Hall > Outs 1&2 Stereo I/O Ins 3&4 > Vocal Hall > Outs 3&4 Stereo I/O.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 33 of 109 12/30/2003