
Chapter 5 Using the Digital Mixer
1. Press [SELECT (CH EDIT)] for the copy-destination
2. Press [PAGE] so that [F5] indicates “Copy,” and then
press [F5 (Copy)].
3. Turn the TIME/VALUE dial to select the copy-source
If the channel-linking is off for the copy-destination channel, the
channel-linking of the copy-source channel will also be considered
to be off even though it may actually be on, and only the settings of
individual channels will be copied. Similarly, when channel-linking
is on for the copy-destination channel, channel-linking of the copy-
source channel will also be considered to be on, even though it may
actually be off, and the settings of both channels will be copied.
4. Use the function buttons to select the settings to will be
[F1 (CpyEQ)]: Copy only the equalizer settings.
[F2 (CpyLv)]: Copy only the level settings.
[F4 (Exec)] or [ENTER (YES)]: Copy both the equalizer
and level settings.
[F6 (EXIT)] or [EXIT (NO)]: Exit without copying.
5. When the data has been copied, the display will indicate
“Complete.” Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].
Mixer Scenes
There are two functions to quickly store and recall mixer
settings. One is referred to as “Scenes,” and the other is
referred to as “EZ Routing.” Use the method appropriate to
your situation.
A Scene stores all EQ, routing, fader-position, pan-position,
effects, V-Track selection, and master-level settings. You can
store eight different mixer Scenes per song, and each Scene
can be recalled using one of the eight dedicated Scene
buttons. Scenes are retained as part of the song data when
the song is saved. Scenes are useful for trying several
different mixes of a song using different combinations of
V-Tracks, effects and levels. When you copy a song to a
removable drive, such as a Zip drive, and then copy it into a
different VS-1824, the Scene settings are restored.
* The monitoring level—the position of the MONITOR knob—
is not stored in a Scene. When you recall a stored Scene, the
monitor level will be determined by the current position of the
EZ Routing
Similar to Scenes, EZ Routing also stores all settings related
to mixer routing, V-Track selection, effects, etc. However,
unlike Scenes, EZ Routing settings are global—that is, they
stay the same regardless of the song. EZ Routing templates
are not saved as part of a song. They can be saved within the
VS-1824. EZ Routing is useful for storing settings for
frequent activities, such as “Recording a Drum Kit,” or
“Bouncing Rhythm Section Tracks.” Use EZ Routing to store
mixer settings you might want to use on several different
songs. For detailed information on using EZ Routing, see
Chapter 8 “EZ Routing.”
Storing a Mixer Scene
1. Before storing a Scene, adjust and check all mixer
settings, including levels, panning, EQ, effects, V-Tracks,
2. Press [SCENE].
The button indicator lights.
3. Whenever [SCENE] is blinking, the LOCATOR buttons
are used to store or recall a Scene. Any LOCATOR which
already has a Scene stored will be blinking. LOCATOR
buttons that are available to store a Scene will be unlit.
4. Press any LOCATOR which is not lit. For example, if you
want to store the current mixer settings as Scene 7, then
press [7].