144 Chapter 14—Dynamics Processors
03D—Owner’s Manual
About the Dynamics Processors
Dynamics processors are available on all input channels, the stereo input channel, the
stereo output, bus outputs, aux sends, and the onboard effects returns. See the Block
Diagram on page 21 for the exact location of each dynamics processor. Dynamics pro-
cessors can be configured as compressor, noise gate, ducker, expander, hard com-
pander, or soft compander. They can be self triggering (i.e., the signal being processed
is used as the trigger signal), or triggered by a signal from another channel.
When channels are configured as a stereo pair using the Pair function (Stereo Pairs on
page 114), the dynamics processors of those two channels work together, and parame-
ter adjustments can be made with either channel selected. You cannot set different
parameters for the odd and even channels.
Dynamics settings can be stored as programs in the dynamics library. The dynamics
library contains 40 preset programs and 40 user programs. See Dynamics Library on
page 147 for more information. Dynamics settings are also stored in scene memories
(page 164) and the channel library (page 104). The following table list the preset
dynamics programs. See Preset Dynamics Programs on page 157 for detailed parameter
information about the preset programs.
No. Title Type No. Title Type
01 Comp COMP 21 E.Guitar COMP
02 Gate GATE 22 A.Guitar COMP
03 Expand EXPANDER 23 Strings1 COMP
04 Ducking DUCKING 24 Strings2 COMP
05 Compander(H) COMPANDER (H) 25 Strings3 COMP
06 Compander(S) COMPANDER (S) 26 BrassSection COMP
07 A.Dr.BD COMP 27 Syn.Pad COMP
08 A.Dr.BD GATE 28 SamplingPerc COMPANDER (S)
09 A.Dr.BD COMPANDER (H) 29 Sampling BD COMP
10 A.Dr.SN COMP 30 Sampling SN COMP
12 A.Dr.SN GATE 32 Solo Vocal1 COMP
13 A.Dr.SN COMPANDER (S) 33 Solo Vocal2 COMP
14 A.Dr.Tom EXPANDER 34 Chorus COMP
15 A.Dr.OverTop COMPANDER (S) 35 Click Erase EXPANDER
16 E.B.Finger COMP 36 Announcer COMPANDER (H)
17 E.B.Slap COMP 37 Limiter1 COMPANDER (S)
18 Syn.Bass COMP 38 Limiter2 COMP
19 Piano1 COMP 39 Total Comp1 COMP
20 Piano2 COMP 40 Total Comp2 COMP