164 Chapter 15—Scene Memories
03D—Owner’s Manual
About Scene Memories
Scene memories are memory locations that are used to store mix scenes. A mix scene
consists of all 03D mix settings (i.e., EQ, fader positions, and so on). There are 50 scene
memories, and they can be titled for easy identification. Scene memories can be stored
and recalled in three ways:
• Manually using the using SCENE MEMORY [STORE] and [RECALL] buttons or
Scene Mem. display page
• Using MIDI Program Change messages from a computer or MIDI sequencer
• Using the 03D automix
Scene memory data can be backed up to an external MIDI device, such as a MIDI data
filer, using MIDI Bulk Dump. See Bulk Dump on page 242 for more information. A
scene memory to Program Change assignment table is provided on page 267.
What’s Stored in Scene Memories?
Virtually all 03D mix settings are stored in a scene memories. Settings that are not
stored consist mainly of analog controls and switches. Namely, the 26 dB [PAD]
switches, GAIN controls, SOLO/2TR IN switch, MONITOR OUT LEVEL control,
PHONE LEVEL control, display contrast, and on the rear panel, the phantom power
switches, REC OUT SOURCE SELECT switch, and WORD CLOCK 75Ω termination
The following types of data are not stored in scene memories: 03D Setup data, MIDI
Program Change Map, MIDI Control Change Map, Scene Memory data, EQ library,
Dynamics library, Effects library, Channel library, Automix data, MIDI Remote. You
can, however, back up this data to an external MIDI device, such as a MIDI data filer,
using MIDI Bulk Dump. See Bulk Dump on page 242 for more information.
What’s the Edit Buffer & Edit Indicator?
The Edit Buffer refers to a memory area inside the 03D that contains the current mix
settings. When a mix scene is stored, the mix settings in the Edit Buffer are written to
the selected scene memory. When a mix scene is recalled, the contents of the selected
scene memory are placed in the Edit Buffer, making them the current mix settings.
When a parameter is adjusted after a mix scene has been recalled, the EDIT indicator
appears in the scene memory area of the display. This indicates that the current mix set-
tings (i.e., those in the Edit Buffer) no longer match those of the mix scene that was
recalled last. The following illustration shows the EDIT indicator.
The Edit Buffer settings are remembered when the 03D is turned off. So they don’t have
to be stored to a scene memory before the 03D is turned off.
Scene memory 03 has just
been recalled. So the contents
of the Edit Buffer match those
of the scene memory
A parameter has been changed
since scene memory 03 was
recalled. So the contents of the
Edit Buffer no longer match those
of the scene memory, as the
EDIT indicator shows