228 Chapter 18—Digital I/O
03D—Owner’s Manual
2. Use the cursor buttons to select the switches and controls and the
[ENTER] button and PARAMETER wheel to set them.
If you are using a mouse, simply click and drag the parameters.
SELECT—These four switches are used to route the eight bus signals from the cascade
card to the 03D’s four buses. If you’re cascading two 03Ds together, these switches
should be set so that cascade bus 1 routes to 03D bus 1, cascade bus 2 routes to 03D bus
2, and so on. The 03D does not use buses 5 to 8, so there is no reason to select those
buses. If you are cascading a 03D and 02R Digital Recording Console, however, you can
use these switches to route four of the 02R’s eight buses to the 03D’s four buses.
ON/OFF—These switches are used to turn on and off the cascade input signals.
ATT—These controls are used to attenuate the cascade input signals from 0 dB to
–96 dB.
Cascade Delay
The following illustrations show the amount of signal delay that occurs when 03Ds and
02Rs are cascaded together. The left-channel signal is fed into the first mixer and the
right-channel signal is fed into the second mixer. As the left-channel signal passes
through both mixers, it’s delayed compared to the right-channel signal, which passes
through only one mixer. By delaying the right-channel signal on the second mixer, both
signals can be brought into phase. Use the Delay function to correct cascade delay. See
Channel Delay on page 40 for more information.
R L Left-channel output signal
is delayed by 16 samples
R L Left-channel output signal
is delayed by 15 samples
Setting the 02R's ID parameter
will not correct this delay. Use
the Channel Delay function.
R L Left-channel output signal
is delayed by 21 samples