158 Chapter 14—Dynamics Processors
03D—Owner’s Manual
09 A.Dr.BD
Threshold (dB) –11
Compander (H) program for use
with acoustic kit’s bass drum.
Ratio ( :1) 3.5
Attack (ms) 1
Outgain (dB) –1.5
Width (dB) 7
Release (ms) 192
10 A.Dr.SN Compressor
Threshold (dB) –17
Compressor program for use
with acoustic kit’s snare drum.
Ratio ( :1) 2.5
Attack (ms) 8
Outgain (dB) 3.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 12
11 A.Dr.SN Expander
Threshold (dB) –23
Expander program for use with
acoustic kit’s snare drum.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 0
Outgain (dB) 0.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 151
12 A.Dr.SN Gate
Threshold (dB) –8
Gate program for use with acous-
tic kit’s snare drum.
Range (dB) –23
Attack (ms) 1
Hold (ms) 0.63
Decay (ms) 238
13 A.Dr.SN Compander (S)
Threshold (dB) –8
Compander (H) program for use
with acoustic kit’s snare drum.
Ratio ( :1) 1.7
Attack (ms) 11
Outgain (dB) 0.0
Width (dB) 10
Release (ms) 128
14 A.Dr.Tom Expander
Threshold (dB) –20
Expander program for use with
acoustic kit’s tom toms, which
automatically reduces the vol-
ume when the tom toms are not
played, helping to differentiate
the bass and snare drums clearly.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 2
Outgain (dB) 5.0
Knee 2
Release (ms) 749
15 A.Dr.OverTop Compander (S)
Threshold (dB) –24 Soft-knees compander program
to emphasize the attack and
ambience of cymbals recorded
with overhead microphones. It
automatically reduces the vol-
ume when the cymbals are not
played, helping to differentiate
the bass and snare drums clearly.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 38
Outgain (dB) –3.5
Width (dB) 54
Release (ms) 842
16 E.B.Finger Compressor
Threshold (dB) –12
Compressor program to level the
attack and volume level of a fin-
ger-picked electric bass guitar.
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 15
Outgain (dB) 4.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 470
# Title Type Parameter Value Description