174 Chapter 15—Scene Memories
03D—Owner’s Manual
Recalling Scene Data Safely
When a mix scene is recalled, mix settings that do not match those in the Edit Buffer
are updated. In some situations, you may want to retain the mix settings of certain
channels. This is possible using the Recall Safe function on the RCL. Safe page.
1. Use the [SCENE MEMORY] button to locate the RCL. Safe page shown
2. Use the cursor buttons to select channels and the [ENTER] button to make
them safe.
If you are using a mouse, simply click the switches.
3. Use the cursor buttons to select a SAFE MODE, and the [ENTER] button
to activate it.
In ALL PARAMETERS mode, all parameters are safe. In FADERS ONLY mode, just the
faders are safe.
4. Use the cursor buttons to select the ENABLE switch and press the [ENTER]
button to enable the Recall Safe function.
If you are using a mouse, simply click the ENABLE switch.
The ENABLE switch works as a master Recall Safe on/off switch, so you don’t have to
turn off individual channels when you want a scene recall to update all channels.
When a mix scene is recalled, providing that the master ENABLE switch is on, mix set-
tings are not applied to safe channels.
The Recall Safe settings are stored as part of the 03D Setup data. They are not stored in
scene memories.
If you recall a mix scene that contains stereo pair or group settings, and one of the chan-
nels in the stereo pair or group is set as a safe channel, the pair or group is cancelled and
the data applied only to the other channel.
If you try recall a mix scene that contains bus or aux pair settings, or surround pan set-
tings, that are different to those in the Edit Buffer, a message appears stating that you
cannot recall the mix scene. This is because the mix scene data is incompatible with the
Edit Buffer data.