System Exclusive Parameter Control 241
03D—Owner’s Manual
initialize. The P.MIX 01 ARRANGEMENT option is used to configure Control
Changes for use with a Yamaha Programmable Mixer 01 Digital Mixer.
A parameter to Control Change assignment table is provided on page 268. The param-
eter to Control Change assignment table can be backed up to an external MIDI device,
such as a MIDI data filer, using MIDI Bulk Dump. See Bulk Dump on page 242 for
more information.
Pair, group, library recall parameters, etc., cannot be assigned to Control Changes. They
can, however, be controlled using System Exclusive messages.
For parameters that are split into L and H, Control Changes will not be output if H is
not assigned. Also, if only H is assigned, the resolution will be less, causing a discrep-
ancy between transmission and reception. Furthermore, the effect parameters for
DELAY LCR time and FREEZE point use two parameters consisting of four parameter
areas (L, H, L, H). Be aware of this when making adjustments.
The Q parameter of the high and low EQ bands can be set to shelving or filter using Sys-
tem Exclusive messages, but not Control Change messages. This is to prevent accidental
changes while using a MIDI controller. Control Changes can, however be used to adjust
the Q parameter over its normal range from 10.0 to 0.01.
System Exclusive Parameter Control
Parameters that cannot be assigned to Control Changes can be controlled in real time
by transmitting and receiving System Exclusive messages. See MIDI Data Format on
page 271 for more information.