Undoing Mix Scene Recalls 169
03D—Owner’s Manual
Using MIDI Program Change Messages
MIDI Program Change messages can be used to recall mix scenes, providing snap-
shot-style mix automation. Program Change messages can be transmitted from a con-
trolling computer, MIDI sequencer, or MIDI keyboard to the 03D to recall mix scenes.
For example, most MIDI keyboards transmit a Program Change message when a voice
is selected. This could be used to recall the corresponding mix scene on the 03D. So with
just one button press, your synthesizer, 03D, and other MIDI equipment is reconfig-
ured ready for the next song or scene.
When a mix scene is recalled using the [RECALL] button or Scene Mem. page on the
03D, the 03D transmits a Program Change message. This allows simultaneous mix
scene recalls on cascaded 03Ds. It can also be used to recall programs on other MIDI
equipment, such as an effects program on an external effects processor, or a voice on a
synthesizer. Recalling scene memory #10, for example, could be used to recall voice #10
on a synthesizer. Program Changes messages transmitted by the 03D can be recorded
by a MIDI sequencer along with other MIDI data. During playback, mix scenes can
then be recalled automatically. Your MIDI sequencer’s edit functions can be used to edit
and enter new Program Change messages. Automated mix scene recalls can also be
achieved using the 03D’s built-in automix function.
To recall mix scenes using MIDI Program Change messages you must:
1. Connect MIDI equipment capable of transmitting Program Change mes-
sages to the 03D’s MIDI IN connector.
2. Configure the 03D so that is able to receive Program Change messages.
See MIDI Setup on page 235 for more information.
3. Assign Program Change messages to scene memories. See Program
Change Assign on page 239 for more information.
Using Automix
Manual mix scene recalls can be recorded in an automix. When the automix is replayed,
the mix scenes are then recalled automatically. See Automix on page 175 for more infor-
Undoing Mix Scene Recalls
Mix scene recalls can be undone using the SCENE MEMORY
[UNDO/REDO] button. When this button is pressed, the 03D returns to
the mix settings that were active before the last mix scene was recalled. This
is useful when a mix scene is recalled by mistake. Pressing it again redos the
last mix scene recall, making the last mix scene recall active. This button
does not work when there is no scene memory recall to undo, such as when
the 03D is first turned.
The [UNDO/REDO] button can also be used for A/B mix comparisons. To compare
different mix settings, for example, store them to two scene memories. Recall one scene
memory, then the other. The [UNDO/REDO] button can then be used to quickly tog-
gle between the two mixes, allowing you to concentrate on the sound.