Before you begin
> Adjusting the volume
Adjusting the volume
Rotate the MASTER VOLUME knob towards the right to in-
crease the volume; towards the left to decrease the volume. The
maximum value is “10”; the minimum (silence) is “0”. This
control adjusts the output level of the headphones, the internal
speakers and of the OUTPUTs.
It does not control the volume of an audio device connected to
the INPUT connectors. Use the audio device’s own controls to
set its volume.
It is always better to start with a low volume and then increase
Using the headphones
For playing or practicing during night hours, or when you
don’t want to be heard by others in the same room, connect
one or two pairs of high-quality headphones (32
suggested) to the appropriate PHONES connectors. These
connectors are standard 1/4” phone jacks. If your headphones
have a mini-jack adapter, grasp the adapter when plugging in
or out the headphones.
When using headphones, protect your hearing by
avoiding extended listening at high volumes.
Listening to the Demo
The C-520 contains 20 pre-recorded demo songs. Listen to
them to experience the rich sound and expressive potential of
this instrument. Here is a list of the available demo songs:
During the demo playback you can’t use any other buttons.
However, you can still play the keyboard to play along with the
demo songs.
Listen to all songs at once
You can listen to all demo songs with a single command.
1. Press the DEMO button. The sound selection indicators
will blink sequentially from left to right. The Demo page
will appear in the display:
2. Wait some seconds, without pressing any button. The first
demo song will begin to play. The indicator corresponding
to the demo song currently in play will turn on. The name
of the song will be shown in the display:
All demo songs will be played back one after the other.
After the last song, the playback will begin again from the
first song.
3. To pause the current song, press the PLAY/PAUSE button.
Press it again to restart playback from the same position.
4. To stop the playback and exit the demo mode, press the
DEMO or the EXIT button.
Listen to a specified song
You can select just one demo song to be played back.
1. First of all, you must select one of the demo song banks.
• To select the first bank (Bk1, songs 1-10), press the DEMO
button once. The indicators will blink sequentially, from
left to right. The Demo page will appear in the display:
• To select the second bank (Bk2, songs 11-20), press the +/
YES button.
• To return to the first bank, press the -/NO button.
2. Press one of the sound selection buttons to select the cor-
responding demo song in the selected bank. The demo is
based on the sound associated with the button. The indi-
cator on the selected demo button will stay on, while the
other indicators will turn off.
Button Bank 1 (1-10) Bank 2 (11-20)
PIANO 1 GrandPiano1 GrandPiano2
PIANO 2 Honky-Tonk Piano Pad
E.PIANO 1 El. Piano 1 El. Piano 2
E.PIANO 2 Digi Piano Vintage EP
HARPSI/CLAV Harpsichord Clav.
VIBES/GUITAR Vibes Ac. Guitar
ORGAN 1 Jazz Organ1 Jazz Organ2
ORGAN 2 Full Pipe Pipe Flute
STRING/CHOIR Strings Choir
BASS Ac. Bass El. Bass
Bk1 Press Sound
Bk1 Press Sound
Bk1 Press Sound