
Editing a recorded performance to create an audio CD
Adjusting the mastering tools
The mastering tools are a convenient set of tools that divide the sound into high-
frequency, mid-frequency, and low-frequency ranges, and make the volume
consistent so that the audio CD can be created with the optimal levels. There are 19
mastering tool patches, so you can select the patch that is most appropriate for your
If [MASTERING TOOLS] will turn on, the data being written to the CD-R disc will
use the mastering tools.
1. In step 2 of “Listen to the result of Mixing
down,” above, the Mastering track screen
2. Use CURSOR [ ] [ ] to move the cursor to the line of the parameter that you
wish to adjust. Turn the TIME/VALUE dial to adjust the value.
MTK Patch (mastering tools patch)
Mixdown: Tools for audio CD production
PreMastr: Tools for video pre-mastering
LiveMix: Tools for final mix of a live recording
PopMix: Tools for pop music
DanceMix: Tools for dance music
JinglMix: Tools for FM broadcast jingles
HardComp: Heavy compressor
SoftComp: Light compressor
ClnComp: Cut background noise to clean up the overall sound
DnceComp: Compressor for dance music
OrchComp: Compressor for orchestra
VocalCmp: Compressor for vocals
Acoustic: Tools for acoustic guitar
RockBand: Tools for rock band.
Orchestr: Tools for orchestra.
LoBoost: Tools to emphasize the low frequency
Brighten: Tools to emphasize the high frequency
DJsVoice: Tools for a DJ voice
PhoneVox: Tools to model a telephone voice
Cassette: Suitable for cassette Tapes.
Phono: Suitable for analog record disks.
Input Level
Adjust the volume level (-24–12 dB) that is sent to the mastering tools. The default
setting is “0 dB.”
If you are in CD BURNING
will be turned on (lit)
You can select the mastering
tools patch and adjust the
input level in CD burning
screen. However, you can not