S/P DIF stands for Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format.
This is a specifications for transmitting and receiving
stereo digital audio signals between digital audio devices.
The CDX-1 provides coaxial and optical connectors which
supports S/P DIF.
Short for Table of Contents. This is the region on the CD-R
disc that handles information such as song times, end
times, sequence, and so on. Although the songs on a disc
and their playing time can be displayed when an audio CD
is placed in a CD player, this is because they can be read
automatically from the TOC. The TOC is recorded
differently than music data, with its main characteristic
being disc access, such as the ability to go to the start of
any song instantly.
Multitrack recorders, disk recorders, and sequencers etc.
have multiple “tracks“ on which the parts that make up a
song can be independently recorded and managed. Each
track can record and play back audio (or performance data
in the case of a MIDI sequencer) along a time axis. The
CDX-1 provides multitrack recorder tracks (1–8) and
sequence tracks (A–D).
TRS type (Tip-Ring-Sleeve plug)
A special type of quarter-inch phone plug and jack that
has three contacts. Widely known from its use as a
headphone plug.
➔ Balanced connection
The setting of a parameter.
➔ Parameter
After using Undo to cancel a setting or operation, you can
use Redo to go back to the settings that were in effect
before you used Undo.
Unbalanced connection
A method of transmitting a signal using two electrical
conductors. Broadly used on electric instruments and
consumer audio devices.
➔ Balanced connection
A function that allows an operation performed in error to
be cancelled, returning to the state before that operation
was performed. Redo is a function that “cancels the Undo
WAVE file
The WAVE file is the standard form file of the audio data
that be able to use it with Microsoft Windows.
The file name has “.WAV“.
* Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
XLR Jack
The collective name for the “XLR” series jacks developed
by Cannon Electric Corporation (USA) and compatible
jacks manufactured by other companies. Also called
“Cannon.” On the CDX-1, 3-pin XLR jacks are used for the
mic inputs (1, 2).