Mastering Tools parameter list
● IN (Input): Specify the frequency points at which the original sound will be divided, so that the expander/compressor
can be applied independently to the low, mid, and high frequency ranges.
Input Gain (Input Gain) -24– +12dB
This parameter sets the overall volume before entering expander/compressor.
Input Delay (Input Delay) 0–10 ms This parameter sets the length of delay to add to the direct sound input.
Lo Split Freq (Low Split Frequency) 20–800 Hz This parameter sets the frequency at which the direct sound is split into
three bands (on the low frequency band side).
Hi Split Freq (High Split Frequency) 1.60–16.0 kHz This parameter sets the frequency at which the direct sound is split into
three bands (on the High frequency band side).
● EXP (Expander): Expands the dynamic range (the proportion between the loudest and softest sounds) at
a certain ratio.
Effect On/Off (Effect On/Off) OFF, ON This parameter turns the expander effects on/off.
Low Threshold (Low Threshold) -80–0 dB This parameter sets the volume at which the expander for the low
frequency band starts working.
Mid Threshold (Middle Threshold) -80–0 dB This parameter sets the volume at which the expander for the middle
frequency band starts working.
Hi Threshold (High Threshold) -80–0 dB This parameter sets the volume at which the expander for the high
frequency band starts working.
Low Ratio (Low Ratio) 1:1.0–1:16.0, 1:INF
This parameter sets the ratio at which the output in the low frequency band is
increased when the input level has dropped below the low threshold level.
Mid Ratio (Middle Ratio) 1:1.0–1:16.0, 1:INF
This parameter sets the ratio at which the output in the middle frequency band is
increased when the input level has dropped below the middle threshold level.
High Ratio (High Ratio) 1:1.0–1:16.0, 1:INF
This parameter sets the ratio at which the output in the middle frequency band
is increased when the input level has dropped below the High threshold level.
Low Attack (Low Attack) 0–100 ms
This parameter sets the time until when the low frequency band expander starts
working after the input level has exceeded the low threshold level.
Mid Attack (Middle Attack) 0–100 ms
This parameter sets the time until when the middle frequency band expander
starts working after the input level has exceeded the middle threshold level.
High Attack (High Attack) 0–100 ms
This parameter sets the time until when the High frequency band expander
starts working after the input level has exceeded the High threshold level.
Low Release (Low Release) 50–5000 ms
This parameter sets the time until when the low frequency band expander stops
working after the input level has dropped below the low threshold level.
Mid Release (Middle Release) 50–5000 ms
This parameter sets the time until when the middle frequency band expander stops
working after the input level has dropped below the middle threshold level.
High Release (High Release) 50–5000 ms
This parameter sets the time until when the High frequency band expander
stops working after the input level has dropped below the High threshold level.
Effect of “Input Delay” under Input
With ordinary compressors, a moment of delay occurs to suppress a level over instance after it has been
detected. With Mastering Tool, this problem is bypassed by using the input sound only for level detection and
adding a specified length of delay to the sound for processing and output. “Input Delay” under Input is the
setting of the delay time for this purpose. Note that supplying Delay Time causes time difference between
input and output of audio signals.
Splitting into frequency bands
To split into High, middle and low frequency bands, “Low
Split Freq” (Low Split Frequency) and “High Split Freq”
(High Split Frequency) under Input are used to specify
"Lo Split Freq""Hi Split Freq"Level
Low Freq Mid Freq High Freq